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1 Message

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018 4:11 PM

Arris BGW210-700 and Asus RT-N16

I had Comcast with my own Asus RT-N16 running tomato.  ATT just installed fiber into my neighborhood so I got it set up yesterday for 1000mb.  I want to use my Asus router because I have a number of items with static IP's and Ports.  Plus, I'm a data junkie and love seeing usage stats, etc. 


I've read a number of forums on setting up "IP Passthrough" on the Arris BGW210 and have followed all the instructions and successful set it up. 


My issue is a dramatic drop in speed when connected to my Asus router.  Instead of getting 400mb/600mb (which is what I get when I plugged directly into ATT's Arris router...yes, it's not 1000mb/1000mb which is another issue I'll have to take up with ATT) I get 80mb/120mb.


I couldn't find anything on the forums on this issue so I wanted to ask if there are some other things I need to turn on/off to get the same speed from my Asus router as I was getting from the Arris router.  


Any ideas?

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Greetings @grant2727,

Thank you for reaching out to us on the community and bringing this to our attention.  So there are a few things I would recommend trying when it comes to the connection speeds.  I would disable the Ipv6 and test it and see if there is a difference. Next I would go into your firewall settings and click on disable all. I would only recommend doing this for a short period of time to see if there is a difference in the speed itself. If you notice an increase of speed, I would check to see which firewall settings is decreasing your speed and disabling it and leaving the rest enabled.

Once you attempted these steps I would change out your router and run a speed test. By doing this, we can determine if it’s the router or the connection in your area.  Please keep us informed I hope you have a good day!

Zach, AT&T Community Specialist

ACE - Professor


5.9K Messages

6 years ago

Try turning off your antivirus software, especially if it has many features such as email screening, privacy filters, etc. If speeds increase, turn filters on or off until you find the culprit. 

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