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6 Messages

Tuesday, August 30th, 2016 12:38 PM

Arris NVG589 - Long delays to access websites between Chrome, Safari, Wired and Wireless Connections


Having delayed responses to access websites, Yahoo, Mircrosoft, New York Times, CNN, etc. Sometimes I will need to uses Chrome as Safari takes 4 minutes or so to access websites, or sometimes use Chrome for the same reason. This is apparent using a fixed ethernet and/or Wireless connection; although allocated a fixed IP for my mac ethernet address. 


Your help to the above will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you.


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232.9K Messages

8 years ago

Hi @hereismoe,


Sorry to read of the trouble you are having. In some instances, equipment environment, # of devices, and type of connection can affect speeds. Check out this article, it will explain what you can do to improve speeds if environment is a factor. 


If environment is fine, this thread may help. It explains how to disable IPv6.





150 Messages

8 years ago

I know that disabling IPV6 help my latency problems but that brings up another question. Does that mean that we will never be able to use IPV6 on these affected gateways in the future when IPV6 will actually do something, or is it a problem fixable via a firmware update.

Just curious.



10.1K Messages

8 years ago


OOPs- I picked the wrong OP should have been - @hereismoe



@rearnold864 - Four minute wait is totally unacceptable. You must have real problems. What speed did you purchase?


A few years ago, there were a lot of complaints about response time - especially with MACs. I was unhappy with a four second delay on 6 mb service.


It was suggested that changing DNS server to google - would help. Initially, with chrome browser, iI saw the response as my finger lifted from the enter button.


Since then, things seem a little slower & I use firefox, but all is well.


Go to your computer Preferences - network & change the DNS server to & see if it helps.



150 Messages

8 years ago

@aviewer - Uhhh, that 4 minute wait wasn't in my post. I was just curious if we would ever be able to enable IPV6 in the far future when IPV6 is actually needed. Disabling IPV 6 fixed my problem some time ago.



20.4K Messages

8 years ago

@rearnold864 wrote:

I know that disabling IPV6 help my latency problems but that brings up another question. Does that mean that we will never be able to use IPV6 on these affected gateways in the future when IPV6 will actually do something, or is it a problem fixable via a firmware update.

Just curious.

@rearnold864   Right now they are improperly sending out IPv6 and should be aware of this, we've been telling people to disable IPv6 for a long while now. Smiley Surprised



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6 Messages

8 years ago

Thanks all. Disabling IPv6 seems to greately reduce latency. Thanks again,

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