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3 Messages

Saturday, January 24th, 2015 7:19 PM

Can you use another internet service with U-verse Voice?

I signed up for one year of discounted U-verse internet, but now the deal has expired and the price will go back to the regular price. I know of a company that offers standalone DSL. I know that U-verse uses fiber optic technology, so that's why I'm asking this question. Is it possible to sign up for that other DSL service while still having U-verse Voice on my phone? 



20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@leigh3 wrote:

I signed up for one year of discounted U-verse internet, but now the deal has expired and the price will go back to the regular price. I know of a company that offers standalone DSL. I know that U-verse uses fiber optic technology, so that's why I'm asking this question. Is it possible to sign up for that other DSL service while still having U-verse Voice on my phone? 

No, the Uvoice went w/Uverse internet.  Just get Basic Talk for $9.99 + fees/taxes, mine is $12.39/mo, much cheaper than the $ 30+ POTS (or Uvoice) service it replaced. 😉



Please NO SD stretch-o-vision or 480 SD HD Channels
Need Help? PM ATT Uverse Care (all service problems)
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Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more



10.1K Messages

9 years ago

If u-verse voice is not available  "stand alone" wouldn't  it state that on the sales site? It would require the internet equipment to work, but the user would not have access to the internet via that equipment.


There is a Home wireless plan for $20, which I cannot begin to understand. If the full cost is $20 it is a deal. If the $20 is for the set & not the service, that is another story.


Any of the various internet services applied to the new "other" internet should be good.


How about POTS = Plain OLD tel service? Plain Old Reliable service. Perhaps too expensive.



3 Messages

9 years ago

I don't know if I worded my question correctly. I was trying to see if having another company's DSL would somehow not work with the fiber optic infastructure of U-verse. In other words, if I cancel U-verse internet from my phone line (while still keeping the U-verse gateway and Voice) and then install another company's DSL modem, would that other company's DSL service not work since my phone line has a fiber optic infrastructure?



10.1K Messages

9 years ago

That is another important point.


After I posted, I was thinking about u-verse with "other" DSL & remembering that to get u-verse, DSL had to be canceled. If it was "other" DSL, att  needed the loop released which would be due to regulations. If att DSL they removed it with the install.


Bringing fiber into the equation - I would think it would take away the question of electrical interference between the two and muddy the regulatory issues. Ithink the possiblity question should go to the new provider - can they provide you service on fiber (owned by att?)


Also, impacts the POTS issue. Does att provide POTS in fiber areas? & how?



20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@leigh3 wrote:

I don't know if I worded my question correctly. I was trying to see if having another company's DSL would somehow not work with the fiber optic infastructure of U-verse. In other words, if I cancel U-verse internet from my phone line (while still keeping the U-verse gateway and Voice) and then install another company's DSL modem, would that other company's DSL service not work since my phone line has a fiber optic infrastructure?

You'll have to return the Uverse RG, when cancelling internet and Uvoice, and it will not work on another internet provider, reason I suggested the much cheaper, but more than equivalent Basic Talk at 1/3 the cost. 😉



Please NO SD stretch-o-vision or 480 SD HD Channels
Need Help? PM ATT Uverse Care (all service problems)
ATT Customer Care(all other problems)
Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more



2.4K Messages

9 years ago



To save yourself some trouble, have you considered calling up AT&T trying to see if they can offer you another promotion in exchange for a 1 year contract? You lose a lot of promotion potential when you bundle less. 

ACE - Professor


7.8K Messages

9 years ago

@leigh3 wrote:

I signed up for one year of discounted U-verse internet, but now the deal has expired and the price will go back to the regular price. I know of a company that offers standalone DSL. I know that U-verse uses fiber optic technology, so that's why I'm asking this question. Is it possible to sign up for that other DSL service while still having U-verse Voice on my phone? 


Call the retentions department and see if they can offer you another discounted term. Because you have internet and phone (and maybe TV?), your bundle deal might be better than two separate companies. If you also have U-Verse TV, keep in mind that if you separate your TV and internet, you'll lose access to apps like WatchESPN, HBOGo, etc.


You also have the chance of saving "across the board" vs regular price for U-Verse and another...the more you throw in with one company, the more likely they are to give you better deals when you call up.



3 Messages

9 years ago

@Darknessrise, I'll give it a try and see if it's possible to get a new deal. Thanks to all for the replies.



3.9K Messages

9 years ago

You would probably have to get another (not AT&T) modem, but as long as the DSL connection is still in the phone box, and a third party provider is available, you can use at&t (or any phone company provided equipment) to use their service.

Pretty sure, you can't have at&t vioce phone on the same line as the third party dsl though. Then again, maybe you can.

Trying to use u-verse connections for third partyservice though, that is a differant colored horsey. That is proprietary, and not considered phone equipment, so I'm guessing, probably no.


Not what you asked, but being the devils advocate, and keep in mind, I know no one would actualy want to do this, but if you are willing to pay for all the accounts, and the services are available, there is no reason you could not have several internet services from differant providers at the same address. Just, don't think you could have any two of them using the same connections. Not a clue how you'd even wire them to work on the same computer.


Okay, I had my fun! Later.



3.9K Messages

9 years ago

Actualy, they did an upgrade to the phone service here a few years back from analog, to digital (assuming fiber) lines, The part from the neighborhood switch, to the house were and are still the copper wired we always had, and all the magic of switching analog to digital was done in the box on the corner.

My point being, there is no real distinction as far as phone service goes, if the lines are fiber or copper wire.

NOW, that being said, the equipment and lines for u-verse, unless someone knows something I don't, they can't be used for plain old phone service as the netweork is configured completely differant. (don't be confused by the digital voice... it sounds and works like regualr phone calls, and for all intents, it is, but it uses voice over internet protocols. SO, it is not technicaly a phone line.)

I am a bit confused over this, so please feel free to correct me if I have the deatials wrong.. I have phone line DSL, so am not real familiar with u-verse service connections.


My understanding, the most basic u-verse still uses the dsl connection to provide servise. 

They use ADSL2+ I think, and another type of  protocol called VRAD. you use a differant type of moden than dsl, but my understand is, the wires going into the house are still the same.

Upgreading to the higher speed capacity, etc. they change out to the other types of service equipment.

THIS, I am only making a guess, so don't hold me to it, but even when they "disconnect" your dsl service, you no longer use their modem, but am pretty sure, they do not do a thing to the old phone wires, they are just not used any more. SO, IF the physical wiring is still there, you should be able to hook it up for use by a third party internet service provider. 

(The one cavet I can see is, if you are still using the wires for home phone service, I don't think you would be able to use it for thrid party dsl. And obviously, IF AT&T is using it for this low level u-verse service, then definatly, you can't use the same econnections for at&t u-verse and third party dsl)

I am still trying to puzzle this out from information picked up from other threads, so definalty lots of gaps and misinformation in this post. But, I'm trying to learn how all this works together with you, and we can have fun with it.

Not a clue if any of this is helpful, but at least I tried.  And i'd love it if folks pointed out where I was wrong, so i'll know better for future posts.

Gods bless, have a great day.

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