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26 Messages

Wednesday, April 4th, 2018 11:07 PM

Extremely High Latency And Packet Loss

I've been dealing with high ping for two weeks straight. Every few seconds it'll shoot up to 1000+ ms, rendering my internet useless. I've tried contacting tech support, they didn't know what latency is. They sent out a technician, everything's green across the board on my network, so he couldn't do anything. He even switched out the router and it did the same thing, so no problem there. Here I've run a ping test for google Why.PNG

You can see there's quite a few hops with 100% packet loss, and a couple that are close.

This is getting pretty frustrating with everybody I talk to about the matter not knowing what ping or latency is. I'm someone who likes playing games with friends, and now I have to turn them down because the games just get too laggy to enjoy. Please, if somebody knows anything, any info would be greatly appreciated because right now I feel like I'm paying for nothing.

1 Attachment

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Salutations, @ChanceBox!

Welcome to the Community Forums! I understand how important it is to get back up and gaming with your friends! I can assist you with getting this taken care of for you.

What I am going to do is send you a Personal Message. Please check your Forums Inbox for this message.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Shawn, AT&T Community Specialist

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

6 years ago

@ChanceBox, A hop with 100% packet loss (from a trace route) is not necessarily an issue.  If hops beyond that one return nearly 100% of packets, then the dropping router is passing traffic properly, it's just not reporting the error with the probe packet used to map the network in a TraceRoute.


Latency could be a great number of things, but when the latency occurs on the very first hop (and I see 0.50 seconds of average latency on your first hop), then you probably either have a line issue or something is overloading your upstream.  Do you stream video of your games live?





26 Messages

6 years ago

@JefferMC I don't stream games, as much as I wish I could. The latency spikes have been occurring 24/7 without fail even when nothing is happening, though that latency on the first hop is normal for me and never gave me any problems before now. The technician that was here 4 days ago said my network is fine, checked the lines and switched out the router. Plus usually when my upstream is overloaded it shows when I test the speed, and yet up and down speeds aren't being affected in any way.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

6 years ago

Can you go to your Gateway's Broadband statistics page? , Broadband tab, look for the Sync Rate, Attenuation, SNR, byte counts, etc.

Make a screenshot and post here.




26 Messages

6 years ago

1 Attachment

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

6 years ago

I see several interesting things in your screenshot:

1) You are an ADSL2+ customer, meaning you're in the second class of the "U-verse" copper Internet family.  VDSL2 being the first class.  You are probably copper to the CO

2) Given your stats, the CO is probably between a mile and two miles away (as the cable runs).  The best your pair is able to theoretically handle is 14 Mbps down, 1.17 Mbps up.  It is currently configured to carry 7 Mbps down, 1 Mbps up.  If any of this surprises you, maybe a cable has gotten damaged or something recently and is causing some issues.

3) Your download and upload stats are very close.  Strangely close.  I.e. you're uploading a lot of data.  Since this gateway last reset, you've uploaded  (1.12 GB) vs  downloading (1.69 GB).  Unless you know that you are uploading a bunch, I think you really should look into why this is.


 20 ms latency on your first hop is perfectly normal.  500 ms is not.  




26 Messages

6 years ago

Yeah, the speeds aren't news to me, though I'm lucky to get 6 down and 1 up. Sadly there are no upgrades in my area, no cable or fiber. That being said, those speeds are usually enough for what I do. As for the upload, I believe I know the reason for it, but if I'm correct it isn't the problem. Is there a way I can check where exactly the upload is coming from?


Also, the ip that was pinging at 500ms is coming from the other side of the US from me, and anything that isn't my network is showing high latency like that.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

6 years ago

The hop I was referring to is xxx-xxx-152-1.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net (avg 500.17 ms, min 20.27 ms).  This is your first hop on the AT&T network, in the local Central Office.


I believe you can look at counts on each interface, so you can see which of the 4 LAN ports (or wireless) the data is coming from.  However, the AT&T equipment can tell you nothing beyond that.  If that doesn't help, then you either have to start disconnecting/turning stuff off, or get a piece of network gear in line that can do it for you.  I have an ASUS router running the Merlin firmware that can log and/or limit traffic by IP address.




26 Messages

6 years ago

I see the data is coming from the port my pc is connected to, and I'm 99% sure the upload is a mixture of all the programs I have running, which never gave me any trouble before. There are times when more is being uploaded, so I don't think that's the issue. It's very strange because it worked fine for 7 months up until 2 weeks ago, had 20-40ms on most things, and now everything goes beyond 1000. It has me worried that I won't be able to fix it, in which case I would be out of a job and can't even change my service for another 5 months due to a year contract.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

6 years ago

It may be that your upstream bandwidth has reduced enough that you're consuming all of it on a regular basis now when you did not before.  I limit my upload so that any one node cannot swamp the upstream, I had to do this as a defense mechanism against phones syncing pictures to Google Drive.


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