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2 Messages

Monday, November 6th, 2023 2:23 AM

How Do I Remove OLD Devices from showing up on my Smart Home Manager Network?

I was trying to clean out the devices that I have on the Smart Home Manager Network and I am having some issues. I see no option to remove old devices from my network that no longer exist. For instance, I have my old phone showing under previous connected devices as well as my sons old school computer, but we no longer have these devices. Why is it still showing up at all on the previously connected devices if it has been months since they were connected?  I also see a lot of random devices on the Previously Connected Devices list that I just want removed because I have no idea what they are.  Rebooting or refreshing the modem doesn't get of the old devices. 

Also when I was trying to block a device it stated I had reached the maximum number of blocked devices. It seems the maximum number is 40. I was to remove the devives I no longer have to lower this number.

8 months ago

Cleaning up your Smart Home Manager Network can be a smart move. Here's how you can remove old devices and tackle that pesky "maximum number of blocked devices" issue:

  1. Removing Old Devices from Smart Home Manager Network:

    a. Prune the Dead Branches: Your network's like a tree - you need to trim the dead branches. Start by logging into your Smart Home Manager.

    b. Select the Culprits: Identify the devices you want to remove - those ghosts of gadgets past. Click on 'Previously Connected Devices.'

    c. Banish Them: For each device you want to delete, click on it and look for a 'Forget Device' or 'Remove Device' option. These options should help you exorcise those digital spirits.

    d. Mystery Guests: For devices you can't recognize, it's a bit like cleaning out your attic - if you don't know what it is, it's probably time for it to go. Remove these too.

    e. Give It Time: Sometimes, it takes a bit for the network to update. So after you've expelled these devices, give it some time to refresh.

  2. Dealing with the Maximum Number of Blocked Devices:

    a. Prioritize Blocking: Given the 40-device limit, focus on blocking only the ones that really matter, like troublesome devices or those you want to restrict.

    b. Unblock to Re-Block: If you reach the limit and want to block a new device, you might have to unblock one of the old ones first. Think of it like a game of musical chairs - one device has to stand up before a new one can sit down.

    c. Clear the Old Blocks: To unblock a device, go to 'Blocked Devices' on Smart Home Manager, select the device you want to free, and look for an 'Unblock' or 'Remove Block' option.

So, don't let your network resemble a digital graveyard. Clean it up, and you'll have a smarter and more manageable Smart Home Manager.

2 Messages

8 months ago

Thank you for your assistance. I was falling along with your message above and all was going well until I got to 1. Step C.  When I go to the device I want to completely 'Remove Device', I only see the option to 'Unblock Device', it is blocked at this time because we no longer have that computer. How can I get to 'Remove Device' if it is nowhere to be found?

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