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3 Messages

Friday, January 29th, 2016 9:16 PM

How do you change IP address? Help please?

For some reason craigslist has blocked me or something, and I cannot get through to them to fix it. It's weird tho because sometimes it says my IP is blocked, and sometimes it connects and I can search. But I use craigslist daily because I am in the process of looking for a new car, and that's where I'm going to be able to find what I want.


This just started happening and I did nothing to deserve it, so I want to know how to change my IP. I have a Motorolla NVG510 router that ATT setup when we switched to using this service. I called customer support and she tried to see if she could manually reset my IP, but she said that something was preventing her from doing it and that I would need to call some other number, and pay them for something. I'm not sure exactly what she meant, but I know you can change your IP through your isp. I just don't know how to do it and would like to know. Thanks.



78 Messages

8 years ago

Might be able to refresh the ip via the routers page and click on diagnostic>reset> and i believe it says reset broadband address.... I do not have a 510 and can not remeber the exact wording. Lastly, could also try to leave it unplugged for a day  or so and the ip address may expire its lease and renew



3 Messages

8 years ago

When I talked to the lady on the phone she was acting like, with my modem at least, that wouldn't work. I will go and try holding reset for 20 seconds and let you guys know if it worked. Craigslist seems to be working again, it's just really weird. It randomly tells me I'm banned and then it will work. Sometimes I'll search something, refresh it and then I'm banned again. You have any knowledge about that? They have the worst customer service, so I don't think I can even talk to a human through them.



3 Messages

8 years ago

Ok I think that actually did work, but do you know why my IP address looks weird? I remember it used to be more like "123.456.789.01.2445" or something. But now it's like "e840:g927:3065:f359". Weird. I looked it up and it said something about the isp upgrading to ipv6? Instead of ipv4. Idk, this isn't my expertise lol

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

8 years ago

These days you can have both an IPv4 address ( and an IPv6 address (ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff).  Which one you use depends on whether or not your destination has an active IPv6 address listed in DNS.



1 Message

8 years ago

Okay I too am getting the IP blocked message when I look at Craigslist. I never had this issue until I switched to ATT a month ago. I tried the 20 second reset and I was able to get through to craigslist, but no pictures would open up. I leave the computer for 3 hours and come back onto craigslist and the IP is blocked again. Any suggestions??



1 Message

7 years ago

Just had my gatway changed from the 2wire 3801 to the pace 5268AC and IP not NOT change. I think it is perminently tied to your account if you have uverse tv also. Had service since 2012 and IP has never changed which is not very secure imo. 



1 Message

6 years ago

I have windows 7 and am trying to reset my IP address because it is saying I am in NY instead of PA.  How do I reset? please help.



1 Message

6 years ago

Need to change our mailing address how do I do it?


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