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36 Messages

Sunday, August 2nd, 2015 3:39 PM

Improving Wi-Fi performance - NVG 589

I have AT&T's highest level of Internet service short of GigaPower, which isn't available in my area and may never be. The NVG589 gateway is located on the second story of my house, near my main iMac, which is hardwired to it. I typically achieve downstream speeds of 45-50 Mbps on this computer, which is what I'm supposed to get.


However, wireless devices on the first floor (computers and iPhones) perform poorly, usually getting no more than 5 or 6 Mbps, often less. Even a few feet from the gateway, the maximum download rate on my iPhone 6+ is only around 14 Mbps. I've tried all the recommended fixes, including choosing different channels in the 2.4 Ghz range. The current channel doesn't match any that my neighbors are using. I'd move the gateway to a more central location, but that's not possible for various reasons.


I've looked at a couple of possible solutions. One is to buy a so-called range extender, but I've read that they can actually degrade performance. The other is to get a dual band wireless router and connect it to the gateway to serve as a Wi-Fi access point.  However, I don't know if that will improve the situation, especially on the first floor.


Has anybody done this, and how well has it worked?


Thanks in advance!



921 Messages

9 years ago

I used to be in your same situation until I bought an Apple AirPort Extreme. The dual-band works wonders on iPhone speeds. Also, since it has a better radio, your distance will most certainly improve.



36 Messages

9 years ago

@rdljr: Thanks for the quick reply.


As an Apple guy, I've been looking at the AirPort Extreme. But I'm deterred by a fairly high percentage (59/357) of 1 star reviews on Apple's own website, as well as the high price. Amazon and other online retailers list many wireless routers from NETGEAR and other vendors that have similar specs for half the price of the AE or less.



921 Messages

9 years ago

AirPort is the only thing I have had and it works so much better than the old linksys we had before it. If you choose to go with something else, I would recommend that it has Wifi AC and Gigabit Ethernet ports. Here is one I found on Amazon for $100 and it has a 4-star review. TP Link Archer C7 AC1750



2 Messages

9 years ago

We had poor wifi for a very long time.  Connections would be lost, cell phone would hang while continuing to load.  It made watching a Netflix movie impossible.  I made the mistake of thinking I needed to pay to upgrade my service.  Nothing seemed to help until my son suggested buying another wifi router and hooking it into a LAN port of the homelink.  We bought one for $35 (after a $10 rebate).  Problem solved.  It nearly tripled our connection speed on wireless devices. Nothing hangs while trying to buffer anymore.


Just guessing here but the homelink seems to first have a power supply issue.  BUT it is still using old technology.  Come on AT&T get us on to "N" wifi.



921 Messages

9 years ago

Actually, the NVGs have wireless N in them. You might want to call and ask for one.



20.4K Messages

9 years ago

Here's an amazon link for some lower priced units:






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20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@rdljr wrote:
Actually, the NVGs have wireless N in them. You might want to call and ask for one.

They have their own problems and wireless is no better and many have to put another router behind the RG in IP Passthrough mode for better wireless. 


Just remember the RG's are not a router per say and emphasis is not on wireless, but triple play Uvoice, IPTV and Internet. 😉



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921 Messages

9 years ago

@mibrnsurg I tried to post the Amazon link, but the mods deleted it. I know the NVGs have their own problems because ours stinks.



20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@rdljr wrote:
@mibrnsurg I tried to post the Amazon link, but the mods deleted it. I know the NVGs have their own problems because ours stinks.

All we get are 510/589 complaints about rebooting, disconnects and on an on.  Now 599's from Gigapower are showing up too. Smiley Sad



Please NO SD stretch-o-vision or 480 SD HD Channels
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Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more



921 Messages

9 years ago

Oh what I would give for a good Pace/2wire…

On a slightly better note, our 2nd NVG589 that we have had since May '14 has been rock solid and the only reason we got another router was for 5 GHz
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