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9 Messages

Sunday, October 11th, 2015 2:43 PM

Intermittent disconnects/reboots, but consistently (i.e. every month!)

Ever since I have switched to U-verse, which was forced on me since AT&T did not want me to be able to keep my AT&T DSL which worked just fine, I experience intermittent disconnects to the internet which results in my box re-booting. Although when this happens is not predictable, thus intermittent, it consistently happens 1-3 times every month.


AT&T can't seem to fix this problem. What makes this experience eve more frustrating is that I have to repeat an explanation of the history every time I call - don't these guys take notes and put this in your file? One wonders. Anyway, since AT&T is recording my history, I thought I would document it here so that I can point anyone/everyone to this thread for reference.


Since the problem has happened, AT&T has done the following:

  • Sent out technicians several times to check the outside wiring/connections. While I don't know the result of every visit, I can some some fixes/corrections have been made on the one hand and nothing wrong detected on the other hand. There have been at least 7-8 such visits.
  • Replaced my modem box a few months ago.
  • Fixed an issue with the wiring box that the modem connects to. It was explained to me by the technicial that it was configured for the old/original U-verse boxes and that the new box required a new configuration which he adjusted.
  • Ran a new line, replacing my old CAT3 with new CAT5 wiring inside the house.


While some of these actions result in the problem happening less frequently, none of the actions permanently have fixed the problem. Last week on 10/5 and then again on 10/9 my internet connection dropped and the modem re-booted.


I have a theory that no one at AT&T seems to be taking seriously and shows just how disconnected this company is where one department doesn't collaborate with another department. I scratch my head here wondering how a company can survive working as if they are really separate companies. There is a large AT&T junction-looking box about 3 blocks from my house. AT&T field service is constantly out there doing something and with great predicability when they are doing something in that box I will have an internet disconnect and modem re-boot. I have asked technicians about this box several times and they all confirm that there is old equipment/technology in it, that what is going on inside the box can't scale, and, that fixing issues there can be problematic and even chaotic. My theory is simple: when AT&T goes to this box to resolve a customer-reported issue, whether it is an accident or because of the setup inside in some way, other customers are affected by their actions and thus the disconnect/modem re-booting.


I have made what I think is a very logical and simple request to AT&T: can they please talk to the field service group and see if the outages I have been reporting for the past 6+ months can be correlated to when a field service engineer has been working in this junction box. At least then we can start to narrow the problem down from this angle and either hold-up or eliminate this as a root cause of my problems. The response to my request, one I make on every call I make to AT&T, is that "no, we can't, or don't know how to, talk to field service". This is surprising, amazing and at the end of the day quite horrific!


Since AT&T pretty much has a monopoly on wired internet service in my area (I can go with Xfinity, but I don't want cable), I feel stuck. I telecommute and these outages affect my work (last time I was in the middle of a long edit to an online document).


Does anyone have any suggestions? What is the Office Of The President's telephone # (you can send me privately if you don;t want to send here). I was given a consumer appeals email address that I will also try.


Many thanks to anyone who can help me get a stable internet connection with U-verse!



1 Message

9 years ago

Your story sounds a lot like my story.  Except our outages are occurring multiple times per day! In the last 6 weeks, they've rewired my house, changed the wiring outside of the house, given us a new modem and the technician even confirmed on one visit that he could see it had dropped 51 times in 5 days.  We used to be happy U-verse customers but the last 2 months have been horrible.  

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

9 years ago

For anyone having connection issues with U-verse, I recommend that you click this U-verse Customer Service link to send a Private Message (PM) to the AT&T customer service team to help you resolve your connection stability issues. You can expect a reply via return PM (the blue envelope   in the upper right hand corner of this site, next to your name and avatar) in a business day or three.  Speed things up by including a concise description of your issues, your name, Billing Account Number, and the best time and way to reach you.

This is a group of U-verse service specialists who are knowledgeable about U-verse and will stay with your problem until the end (instead of forgetting about it when the phone hits the cradle). 



9 Messages

9 years ago

Thanks @JefferMC. I sent a PM, referencing this thread for the details. Typically enough (because it did not work) the email address they gave me over the phone, consumer.appeals@att.com, did not work as it was bounced as undeliverable!

Community Support


6.7K Messages

9 years ago

Hey @wyndryder,

We have received your private message and look forward to working with you to get this corrected.




9 Messages

9 years ago

I am going to start recording all future outages here.


Outage: 12-Oct-2015, 10:44AM PT

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