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3 Messages

Saturday, December 16th, 2023 4:04 AM

Latency and IPv6 issues

When I test my IPv6 compatibility with the AT&T troubleshooter through the website, it says that my operating system does not support IPv6. But it does and it is enabled. I play online World of Warcraft on EU servers. For the past months, I have latency issues when connecting to their servers. Yesterday I had over 21000 ms latency. It is impossible to play with such a delay. For years I have had constant problems with AT&T and they would never really solve my issues. Since I installed fiber connection, I do have faster download speeds, but the connections and response times have increased instead of decreasing. I ran a Ping Plotter test over 3 servers that I connect during gameplay of World of Warcraft and the Game Masters that are trying to help me with the latency issues tell me that my ISP is going all over the place before they connect to the server. I wonder, is AT&T going to address these problems or are we just going to be ignored? Could the problem be the IPv6 issue that the troubleshooter by AT&T is giving me?

I am providing the links from the ping plotter:




According to the Game Master, this shows problems with ISP equipment.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 months ago

Hello @8eofilos!

We understand that 
you’re experiencing latency issues while playing World of Warcraft on EU servers. We hear you, and We hear you and we'd be happy to help you.

We recommend that you can try disabling IPv6 on an AT&T router, you can try the following steps to improve your latency:

  • Access the admin panel via a web browser or dedicated firmware. You’ll need your router’s IP address and your password to successfully log in.
  • Look for advanced settings, and then LAN settings.
  • Click disable on IPv6.
  • Wait until the update is complete.
  • Alternatively, you can click on the Home Network tab, then the IPv6 tab, respond with the system password printed on the label on the side of the Gateway, change the IPv6 setting to Off, and click Save.

We hope this information helps. If you need further assistance, let us know.


Thank you,


AT&T Community Forum Specialist.

3 Messages

6 months ago

I managed to fix this by using Google's DNS server. It is sad to pay AT&T for internet and have to use third party servers to get proper internet. In the past, I had conversations with AT&T actual technicians and not installers that were truthful with me. They said that many of AT&T equipment were obsolete or incompatible with what the company was selling me. When I had 50Mb/s, my internet was constantly slow, non responsive and especially when more users were online. When I look at the ping plotter results above or have it working throughout my time on the internet, it saddens me with the results. Another thing, while Comcast had Fiber in the neighborhood I live in, AT&T was old school and it took them more than 2 years to bring it in. And even now with Fiber, the difference is not there so much, unless I am using more devices that don't affect my activity. The only thing that Fiber gave me is the extra Bandwidth. And AT&T as all the other companies sell Bandwidth as speed...the greatest gimmick and lie. Speeds don't come unless the server allows you. With Fiber technology, I should have crazy response times. And why would I disable IPv6 when it is supposedly the future??? My Windows 10 Pro are capable of using it and it is enabled. The problems come from the unprepared AT&T equipment or personnel to handle and configure it.

ACE - Professor


5.7K Messages

6 months ago

I wouldn’t be so quick to throw Att under the bus.  I play an online game hosted by AWS in Frankfurt and don’t have to resort to any such changes, all with a 2017 era vintage gateway.  

Some have had success lobbying the game owner and getting them to address performance concerns at a company level, in this case now Microsoft working directly with Att.  

3 Messages

6 months ago

I wouldn't be so quick to support a company that in the past literally told me that they lied to me, more than once. You don't know how much time I have spent in the past on the phone trying to resolve internet problems, billing charges, etc. The funny thing is that I am still with them. Most of my friends have dumped this company. I just tend to be loyal and hope to the better side of the company to do it's best. I walked in a store and upgraded my phone because I had the "Next" plan for 3 years. They told me nothing will change and that it would cost me nothing. They also told me that when I first started the program, that they would replace my phone with the equivalent model. I had the galaxy plus model and when they gave me the new one, they gave me the regular model. Then I saw my bill sky rocket. I spent 6 months on the phone to get this resolved. Even though I did, no one said sorry or gave me any credit for my wasted time bust too many incompetent people have been hired. And the lying part during the marketing is also not so nice to do.  But as of today, I still have no more latency issues using the Google DNS servers. AT&T is using obsolete servers and trying to do things gradually and that only makes their lives harder. When I have to go with a fiber connection through an old non-fiber nod, all the latency issues will definitely be there.

ACE - Professor


5.7K Messages

6 months ago

Supporting Att isn't the point.  Just trying to stay with facts based comments.  You've pointed out that Att's DNS is lacking through testing, which is good.  Raising user found issues to Att, isn't possible through this forum and there is no way to raise a formal ticket, not even us ACEs have this ability, hence my suggestion coming at it from external. 

What I get with default settings to far away servers is adequate and meets my needs.   I can switch to Comcast and get faster service, but unclear if it's better overall, but that can change any time.  Cable is breathing down the telcos neck with the rollout of DOCSIS 4, and when that happens loyalty isn't going to stop me if I choose to move. 

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