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4 Messages

Friday, August 28th, 2015 12:39 AM

Macbook Pro will not connect to wireless router (NVG589) | please help

Please help!  $20 to whoever can find the solution!


I've wasted hours upon hours trying to figure out a solution to my problem.  My wife's Macbook pro will not connect to the U-Verse wireless router.  I have several devices (PC, Ipad, apple TV, Samsung TV) connected without issue, but for some reason the macbook pro will not connect.  I am able to see the network name, but once I click, I get either a "wrong password" or a "session timeout" message.  I've tried several different things to fix (i.e. reset system, changed channel on router, changed network name/password, etc.), and sometimes it will connect for a few minutes, but then will suddenly disconnect.  I've tried to connect with ATT but they are not very useful. Does anyone have a solution that I can try?  Thank you in advance.  



921 Messages

9 years ago

Did you try reinstalling the OSX operating system? What OS are you on? If you can, try hardwiring it into the modem and updating the software.



4 Messages

9 years ago

Just updated the most recent patch....but did not download Yosemite because of all the current bugs. Don't think that is the issue.



921 Messages

9 years ago

Try turning off the Bluetooth. You may want to get a separate Wifi router. Considering how you like Apple, you could try the AirPort Extreme or AirPort Time Capsule of you want backups. That made my wifi faster and more stable with all my devices.



10.1K Messages

9 years ago

When there ia a wi-fi problem, I am thinking that one of the testing steps is to connect without security - no password. If this works, it says the wi-fi is good, there is some problem with password.


If you still cannot connect you know it is the wi-fi.


I seem to remember, some version of mac was adding a character to the pasword. LIke #.Makes no sense, but that is what I remember.



921 Messages

9 years ago

I read with the 2wires, you had to use a $, but with OS X and NVG589, you don't. I don't think it will work, but it's worth a shot.



4 Messages

9 years ago

Thanks. Yes, it works without security, but didn't work with WPA2. I actually have had it working for the past hour, but am not optimistic that it will be a permanent fix. If you are curious, I went system preferences in Mac, selected the network tab, clicked advances tab then clicked the DNS tab. Clicked + and entered Then clicked on + again and added Then click ok, apply and restated Mac.




4 Messages

9 years ago

Just as I thought....connection not working again. Every other device is fine except MacBook Pro. Can someone please help?



921 Messages

9 years ago

If you live near an Apple Store, you can take it there and have them look at it. My MBA had wifi problems and they did sonething to fix it. You could always update to Yosemite because I think they have ironed out the bugs.



2 Messages

9 years ago

Any luck? I just moved and signed up for AT&T UVerse. Same issue. Everything else works by my Macbook Pro will not connect.  It continues to say "Password Incorrect". Every other device; iMac, iPhone, PS4... all connect.



2 Messages

9 years ago

Option 1 (Best Option)

Apple Logo (Top Left Corner) -> System Preferences -> Firewall -> Turn Off Firewall...connect to the AT&T wireless network...then go ahead and turn the firewall back on after you've successfully connected at least once. 


From here on out you should be set.  Or you could just leave the firewall off if you want (not suggested).


Option 2 (Effective if for some reason option 1 doesn't work)


Unfortunately I can't remember the exact steps, because I can't get into my router right now, but it goes like this...

1. Start a web browser then Go to -

1a. Since you are not getting Wifi you need to connect your laptop to the router with an ethernet cord to connect.  Newer Macbooks don't have the port, so you may need the Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet adapter ($29 at the Apple Store) 😕

2. Click the wireless option

3. Go to the area that enables you to create a guest (or second wireless network)

4. Create the network, but turn off all security for it (there should be no password)

5. There's an area where it asks you whether you want the SSID broadcasted.  Go ahead and turn it off (this step is optional)

6. On your computer the new guest network should show up as an option.  Connect to it.

6a. If you decided not to broadcast the SSID then you will need to click "Join Other Network".  In the box that shows up type in the name of the network you created that isn't being broadcast.  You will then connect.



Note: The reason for not broadcasting the SSID (Network name) is simple.  You don't want every one of your neighbors connecting to your network, so if it is not visible to WiFi enabled devices then essentially no one except for people you tell will know the wireless network exists.  Your security is in only you knowing the name of the network.  Hope that makes sense.


Those are the two workarounds I found in order to get my MacBook to connect to the wireless.


Good luck, AT&T should give me bill credit for me for how many fewer calls they are going to get for this issue!  The username is at the top if you want to find me or hire me 😉


- An Engineer Who Works at a Very Large Networking Company

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