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3 Messages

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015 2:51 AM

Nvg510 Modem showing 14mbps down but speed test on single device only pulling 4mbps.

I just upgraded from AT&T DSL to Uverse  Max 12Mbps. Here is the order of events as they happened.


Day one: AT&T tech shows up to switch over my service calls me on cell at work somehow order got mixed up and he didn't know this was a self install, I already had the modem and only needed the service switched over he says he has to reschedule the install.



Day two: another tech shows up when I'm home says he made the changes but there is something wrong with the line to the house, he can't get a clear reading and the line is damaged.

He says he can't make the repair and has to open a ticket with the other techs. He told me these techs would be able to look at it today. He put the order in at 10am and said they would call me soon. They never did. I had to call Uverse support only to find out they said they tried to call but never got me. I was by my phone all day, no one called. The person on the phone says its no problem, they will be at my house in the morning and call be before they get on site.



Day three: after waiting till 11 am for a call I call support again. Once again I'm told the techs could not find my house and went home. I get a repeat of day two.



Day four: Tech gets on site, calls me and says I had a damaged line outside. He fixed it and my network is up and working. His device is showing 14Mbps down. I get home and plug my Nvg510 modem in and turn off its WiFi. I go through all the setup needed. I run a speed test and out of the 12Mbps my account should have I'm only getting 4Mbps. I check the modem and see that its showing 14Mbps as the tech said, however something is not working.


My old DSL account was a 6Mbps account, i would expect a 4.5 - 5.0 Mbps speed test from that account. But my new Uverse is suppose to be 12Mbps. I'm not even getting half.

I found this post by another user: https://forums.att.com/t5/U-verse-2014-Archive/Hsia45-But-Not-Getting-Near-45mbps/td-p/3625099


Its pretty much the same issue I'm having please note user SomeJoe7777 Expert


"Yes, your line is not correctly provisioned.

Since this is account specific I would recommend that you send a private message to the escalation team at ATT Customer Care and someone will get in touch with you. Their normal business hours are from 7am to 10pm Central Time. Please take into account weekends when contacting them."



Please get this fixed. I've gone through so much, all I want is what I'm paying for, its been nothing but misery from day one.




More info pulled from modem.


Downstream and Upstream Statistics
SN Margin (dB)6.19.9
Line Attenuation (dB)28.514.9
Output Power(dBm)17.212.1
Errored Seconds20
Loss of Signal00
Loss of Frame00
FEC Errors3070
CRC Errors20



Broadband Status
Line StateUp
Broadband ConnectionUp
Downstream Sync Rate (kbps)14397
Upstream Sync Rate (kbps)1020
Data PathInterleaved
Broadband IPv4 Address 
Gateway IPv4 Address 
MAC Address 
Primary DNS 
Secondary DNS 
Primary DNS Name 
Secondary DNS Name  






3 Messages

9 years ago

This is not the case, I'm signed up for Max (12). 12Mbps. this has already been comfrimed by  support.



ACE - Expert


36K Messages

9 years ago

@sinderus5000 wrote:


I found this post by another user: https://forums.att.com/t5/U-verse-2014-Archive/Hsia45-But-Not-Getting-Near-45mbps/td-p/3625099


Its pretty much the same issue I'm having please note user SomeJoe7777 Expert


"Yes, your line is not correctly provisioned.

Since this is account specific I would recommend that you send a private message to the escalation team at ATT Customer Care and someone will get in touch with you. Their normal business hours are from 7am to 10pm Central Time. Please take into account weekends when contacting them."... 

Please get this fixed. I've gone through so much, all I want is what I'm paying for, its been nothing but misery from day one.



You quote SomeJoe7777, but you didn't follow his instructions to "send a private message."  You posted on a forum.  This is a peer to peer forum.  Most AT&T Employees who monitor this forum (like my thoughts) do so on their own time.  


Please click this AT&T logoU-verse Customer Service link to send a Private Message (PM) to the AT&T customer service team to help you resolve your request. You can expect a reply via return PM (the blue envelope envelope  in the upper right hand corner of this site, next to your name and avatar) in a business day or three.

This is a group of U-verse service specialists who are knowledgeable about U-verse and will stay with your problem until the end (instead of forgetting about it when the phone hits the cradle). Speed things up by including your Billing Account Number, and the best time and way to reach you.


As my thoughts said, the SN minimum for ADSL2+ is 6 and you're at 6.1.  Not much breathing room.  Out of curiosity, what kind of speed test are you running?  Have you tried more than one?  Are you running from a device connected directly to the RG (NVG510) via an Ethernet cable?



3 Messages

9 years ago

How do you know i didn't follow his instructions? I'm posting here because nothing else is working.

"group of U-verse service specialists who are knowledgeable about U-verse and will stay with your problem until the end"


based on my dealings with AT&T techs this is not true.


I don't know how many more times i have to say I'm on a 12Mbps Plan. 4MBps is not acceptable in any way. My old connection was 6Mbps, please read my post again.


I've ran more then one speed test.



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