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8 Messages

Monday, March 5th, 2018 9:00 PM

Parental Control - Smart Home Manager

With my previous internet carrier, I could log into the router setup and set schedules for each device connected to my Wifi.  For example, the Xbox automatically disconnected at midnight on weekends and earlier on school nights, as did all the cell phones.  Before switching to AT&T last week, I engaged in an online chat session with a sales rep (Jonathan) and specifically asked about this.  He assured me I would be able to do this with AT&T and that when the technician installed the new system, he would show me how.  Well, the tech knew nothing about it, and when I called Support, I was transferred to a supervisor who told me that this was not possible!  I had saved and printed the online chat session, so I referred to it again and contacted AT&T a few hours later to ask again, this time via chat.  The chat rep (Glenn) told me that the AT&T Smart Home Manager app is being updated THIS WEEK and that it will have the capabilities I asked for.  Can anyone confirm that this is true?  I have searched the internet for news releases about this but found nothing.  My fear is that this was just another chat rep trying to get a 5-star survey rating.  I have 30 days to cancel my service without penalty, and if I am not able to control the devices connected to my Wifi as I was promised then I want to cancel and go back to my previous carrier.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Good morning @kostrand8,

This is Briana, from AT&T’s Community and Forums Team. I see you want to be able to control what devices are connected to your WiFi and when they all disconnect. I’ll be more than happy to point you in the right direction!

If you follow this link, it will take you to our web page with instructions on how to access what you are looking for.

Please feel free to let me know if this helps. I look forward to hearing from you!

Briana, Community Specialist



8 Messages

6 years ago

Briana, the wifi toggle mentioned in the link you sent is not on my App.  The instructions say that not all Wifi Gateways have this capability (see below).  Apparently mine does not.  How can I get a wifi gateway that has this feature?  Also, I was assured I would also be to set schedules for each device to disconnect automatically at set times.  If I cannot have these features I wish to cancel my service.


Manage Wi-Fi access
Turn Wi-Fi access on or off for individual devices

This feature is not available for all Wi-Fi gateways. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Good morning @kostrand8,

Thank you for the quick response! We definitely don’t want to see you go but I do understand the urgency. What I’m going to do is send a private message to your Forum’s Inbox and we can take a closer look into getting you what you need.

I hope to speak with you soon!

Briana, AT&T Community Specialist



8 Messages

6 years ago

Briana, I see your private message and I can read it, but I don't see a "reply" button.  How do I answer you?  What is your user ID?

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Hello @kostrand8,

I’m glad you can read the message but not being able to reply is a bit of a problem. Would you mind giving something a try for me, to see if we can get the button to populate? Please try refreshing your browser and then click on my message to open it up. Hopefully, this will get the button to appear at the bottom of my message.

Please let me know if it appears after you’ve done this. If not, we’ll have to try something else.

Briana, AT&T Community Specialist



8 Messages

6 years ago

Hi again - sorry, that did not work.  My options on the top left side are "inbox-sent-friends-ignore", and on the top right there is "New Message" and then a drop down box called Options which allows me to mark messages as read and delete them.  When I click New Message I get a blank message template into which I have to insert the name/id of someone to send it to.  Can I call you?  or is there something else I can try?  If you have a user ID i can send you a new message. 



8 Messages

6 years ago

nevemind!  I figured it out.  I just had to mark your private message as "read".  Then the reply button appeared.  Thanks.



1 Message

6 years ago

Did you ever figure out a way?  I spoke with ATT rep for over an hour and they said there was no option but that they were rolling something out for parental controls in June.  But, it is June I said...  Got no answers.  I would not have switched either had I known.



1 Message

6 years ago

I just activated my service today with AT&T and also thought I was going to be able to set schedules for my children and turn off and/or pause their wi-fi access when needed.  Please let me know asap if this is not an option so that I can cancel my service and find a new company to get service through.  Thank you so much!  =oD



8 Messages

6 years ago

It is not an option, at least not on the AT&T modem that I have. I asked if I could have a different modem but was told the one i have is the only one that works with the fiber internet service. So I bought a Netgear Nighthawk router which DOES give me the ability to pause wifi and set time limits. It connects to the AT&T modem. 

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