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2 Messages

Monday, January 20th, 2014 1:33 AM

Print too small using Yahoo webmail

In ATT Yahoo webmail using my laptop, the type is too small to read comfortably. How can I change this? I don't want to change my screen resolution. (I am using Mozilla Firefox, on my Lenovo Notebook running Window 7 Prrofessional).

Accepted Solution

Official Solution



5.9K Messages

10 years ago

@wgourlay wrote:

In ATT Yahoo webmail using my laptop, the type is too small to read comfortably. How can I change this? I don't want to change my screen resolution. (I am using Mozilla Firefox, on my Lenovo Notebook running Window 7 Prrofessional).



Hold down the "CTRL" key and tap the "+" (plus) key. Each tap of the "+" key will increase the text size a little bit.


To make the text smaller again hold down the "CTRL" key and tap the "-" (minus) key.



If you're using a mouse you can also hold down the "CTRL" key and roll the wheel on the mouse. Rolling the wheel forward for larger text and backward for smaller text.






How can you be in two places at once, when your not anywhere at all?
I really want to become a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
There are three kinds of people, those that can count, and those that can't.
“Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature has made them." :Bertrand Russell



2 Messages

10 years ago

Thank you Computer Joe! Such a simple solution that works great! Perhaps I was looking too hard for a complex solution 🙂



5.9K Messages

10 years ago

@wgourlay wrote:

Thank you Computer Joe! Such a simple solution that works great! Perhaps I was looking too hard for a complex solution 🙂


No problem. Glad to be of assistance.


Be sure to stop back if you have any other questions or problems, or would care to participate on the forum.






How can you be in two places at once, when your not anywhere at all?
I really want to become a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
There are three kinds of people, those that can count, and those that can't.
“Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature has made them." :Bertrand Russell



3 Messages

7 years ago

Same here.

1 Message

6 months ago

Recently the font on my AT&T Yahoo email has changed to a smaller font. It is only on the email, regular web browsing if fine. How do I make it bigger? This is on an Android phone.

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