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18 Messages

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 3:46 AM

Requesting Better Speeds

Is there anyway where I can request for faster speeds in my area? I mean, I have the max of 12 mbps and I'm a gamer. I need more speed like 25 mbps or something. I know 12 mbps is barely but you know, this is why I'm here to ask. To see if I can request more speeds. If anyone has an answer please tell me. Thanks.



18 Messages

9 years ago

Thanks man.



22 Messages

9 years ago

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.


im with you on the quest for more capacity. The best at my location has been stagnant for 4 years now (max plus 18/1.5) originally they offered 12mbps, in 2008-9 you can check back every 6 months as many here have suggested, you never know something could change.


honestly the download is fine, its upload you should be more concerned for (6 on both sides recommended for competitive gaming,if you are only one online)

but if you just are not willing to wait years upon years for service upgrades as i was not (i had uverse for about a year back then) then truthfully if its available and you live in a "decent area"

its best you probably just switch to cable internet, uverse when its well installed/maintained/etc is a great service, No disrespect, or offense to those who use uverse, but guys like you and I simply put are not the target consumer.








20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@briandude   And it will not get any better than that on ADSL 2+, no upgraes planned as oppossed to those for VDSL users.;)



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Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

9 years ago

@briandude wrote:


...honestly the download is fine, its upload you should be more concerned for (6 on both sides recommended for competitive gaming,if you are only one online)... 


Really?? recommended by whom? ISPs wanting to sell you higher packages?  Latency is far more important than bandwidth for gaming.




22 Messages

9 years ago


@JefferMC wrote:

@briandude wrote:


...honestly the download is fine, its upload you should be more concerned for (6 on both sides recommended for competitive gaming,if you are only one online)... 


Really?? recommended by whom? ISPs wanting to sell you higher packages?  Latency is far more important than bandwidth for gaming.



whoa whoa whoa...slow your roll down there chief, we all know latency is most critical

I did not mention latency (since he stated no concern for it, to which id say he could try an upgrade and may see some stabilization or slight lowering, however alot will depend on how good his rig is if hes even a pc gamer, what CPE att gave him, etc. 


secondly the 6/6 minimum is no recommendation by any isp(they just attemp to capitalize on it.) thats the high end golden standard that individuals in competitive circles have recommended since the age of broadband.
(these line capacities are available to most, so as a result has helped to kill the "LAN party" amongst other reasons.



the reason 6mbps was figured to be a "gold standard" was a mixture of real world scenarios within the line, ranging from common packet loss (in gaming <2% is golden) all the way to end user equipment.

primarily the point being at around 5-6mbps increasing bandwidth further in either direction shows no real noticable decrease in latency, but increasing upto 5-6 does infact show meaningful change, especially in a "real world usage" gaming scenario, it also assumes any overhead considerations on your end. ( dont wanna fill the pipe up do you?)

To add to that the better your system in particular, the more you will notice those differences, on any isp network

you get to such an advanced point in hardware,its very noticable, and on a 5000 dollar build, it will literally scream at you. I personally think Uverse is a good system, i see no difference like most....... until i get on it using a machine of my preference, and then its spongy at 24/3 tier, and doesnt become satisfactory until power 45, and 75...neither i can get.( tried both a friends house down the street)


assuming you are not playing and instance type games, are playing to/from a central system, and the developers used moderate quality netcoding then it will matter less. 

thats not to say you cant play online at 1, 1.5, or 3mbps, just dont expect to be very competitive, or in your "element"





22 Messages

9 years ago

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

9 years ago

Assuming that the bandwidth is sufficient to transport the data without delay, the time it takes your actions to get reported to the server so your actions get recognized is a function of latency and the time it takes the data to get from the server to your client so that you can see what is going on is a function of latency.


Games still don't transfer more than 1 Mb of data per second up or down. So, unless you're streaming your gaming (which many do, and many more watch, and why I'm not really sure), a 1 Mbps link is usually quite sufficient.  More is unnecessary, but doesn't cause an issue.


LAN parties became somewhat obsolete when broadband internet occurred for several reasons, mainly the stability of the connection (modems over voice lines were never all that stable), the increase from the anemic 56Kbps down/14 Kbps up limits on voice connections to something more reasonable (512 Kbps/128 Kbps is a big step up), and mainly games that actually started to understand IP networking (instead of having to install shims to transfer Novell traffic or other LAN-centric protocols over IP).




22 Messages

9 years ago

if you want to get into the technicals then yes, but under the right circumstance it can be noticeable.

personally id say 2-3 is good for most, but thats just for what ive tested. I prefer 5-6 sym.

frankly you gotta talk to blizzard staff, toms HW guide, reddit, sony etc etc about the rest


as for games dont transfer more than 1mb/s meh, that depends on a variety of factors instance type games can easily use more. This is where player packets are not only sent to all other players simultaneously, but all other players packets are simultaneously sent as well. and reason I bring up instance based games is because if a game is to be played in a competittive manner, its likely to be instance based.


for WoW probably doesnt matter, battlefield4 most likely will.


ACE - Expert


36K Messages

9 years ago

My observations are that the Blizzard/Sony/etc. support staff's answer to network questions is:


"Whatever problem you're having is caused by your anemic broadband connection, your inferior ISP or both.  Talk to your ISP"


regardless of the actual situation



22 Messages

9 years ago

hehe yeah the CSRs and reg staff are terrible, no I mean event managers, technical staff, mlg players, etc

not even sure how one can get ahold of them, beyond back and forths during events, E3, tournies, twitch broadcasts, etc.



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