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1 Message

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 11:32 PM

Uverse Blocking Home Camera System Email?

My home camera system used to be able to send emails from my uverse network, but they are inexplicably no longer going through as of last thursday.  I was sending using port 587 using a third party SMTP server.  Now, nothing works, tried many other SMTP servers and ports (including the outgoing.att.net) server.  Can someone from ATT chime in and let me know if I need to update any configurations in the router?



1 Message

10 years ago

I have the exact same problem. It was fine on DSL but since I have changed to Uverse it will not work. I was using port 587 with no problem at all. I contacted support and they claim they have unblocked port 25 but it doesnt appear they have. I may wait until I can find someone at support that can assist better. As best I can determine getting port 25 or even 587 unblocked might help.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

10 years ago

AT&T does block TCP port 25 outbound from your network, unless you request a special exception.  If you're having an issue with port 587, it is likely not due to an AT&T block.


What mail server are you attempting to connect to on port 587?  Are you set up for an encrypted connection?  Are you set up to authenticate?  Are you certain your credentials are correct?


Your camera is likely only configured to use one of these ports at a time, either 25 or 587.  If you're configured for 25, then whether port 587 is blocked or not is immaterial.  Likewise, if your camera is configured to use 587, then any block AT&T may (or may not) still have on port 25 would not matter.


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