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4 Messages

Saturday, February 21st, 2015 7:01 PM

Why AT&T does not do what it promised (promotion)?

First off all, I have been using AT&T wireless more than 6 years and internet over 1 year. I moved my internet service from Time Warner to AT&T as AT&T offered better price. AT&T makes promotions on the phone and tells the conditions that apply. When I started using first promotion, I was told that there is no extra fee or installation fee. A month later, they came up with an about $240 bill.  First, I called them and spend about 10 hours in total time with nothing changed. I started writing reviews about AT&T. Then, boom, AT&T calls me and corrects the bill with $0.5 higher than promised bill for every month. The difference was not much but acceptable. While this promotion was close to end, they increased bill $3 more for each month that I had to call and get credit for it. After a year when this promotion ends, I called them for a new promotion. I was told that the new promotion is good for one year and there is not termination fee. Now, it has been 6 months since new promotion applied. Booom! my bill goes up. I called them they told that your promotion was for 6 months and AT&T offered me another 6 month promotion with higher rate and termination fee. This is not cool at all. What AT&T tells on the phone should be recorded to keep as an evidence what they promised. Can we consider this as SCAM?



20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@mehmetbercan If the bump was for Febuary billing, everybody's rates went up.  No matter if on promo or discount.




All promos and discounts are $$ off base price and all base prices went up, so still same $$ off new base price. 😉



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1 Message

9 years ago

I now think the entire company is a scam. Most of these companies are designed to get our business with great promotions, but at the end they manage to add "in fine print" different fees that make-up for their loss in the promised promotions. My family has been a loyal customer for many years, we even recommend our family and friends. That will be ending. Last year I switched to U-verse and got a "bundled promotion" with direct-tv, internet, and phone. I never use my house phone, just have it for emergency purposes, and the bundle seemed like a good deal at the moment. My direct-tv monthly charge went up by almost 50%, and they say the promotion was only for the first year, they got me for a two-year contract. I had previously called to complain after recieving the "contract" and they told me not to worry that after the 1st year I would qualify for better promotions, but now that I call after the year-they say that they have no promotions for me, and if I want to cancel I have to pay over $200 in cancellation fees. I might just pay the fees and leave the company, or stay an unhappy customer with this company and cancel after the year. At the end I am still over paying and their solution is-if you are unhappy just cancel, but you still need to pay all the hidden fees. 

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