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Need to update email settings?
Krispy_889's profile

1 Message

Friday, June 7th, 2024 4:44 PM

email to [email scrubbed] works from gmail but not my work smpt server

If I use gmail to send an email to [email scrubbed] I receive the text.

When I send from my work email it bounces with:

<[email scrubbed]>: hostatt-e2xms-west.mx.a.cloudfilter.net[] said: 552 blocked AUP#BL (in reply to end of DATA command)

Any ideas why?



Community Support


232.9K Messages

27 days ago

Hi @Krispy_889! Thank you for reaching out to us! We understand that you're facing issue with receiving/sending emails. We hear you, and are happy to assist you.


There are several reasons on why you might not be receiving email from a specific user. Please check on the below steps:


You may have blocked either their email address or domain extensions (for example, com, org, net). Check if you have the Blocked Addresses feature enabled:


  1. In the upper right-hand corner, select the Gear, and choose More Settings to access Settings. 
  2. On the Settings menu, in the left-hand column, select Security and Privacy
  3. Under Blocked Addresses in the right-hand window, you can check for any email addresses being blocked. 
  4. Scan the list of blocked addresses for the ID of the account being investigated.
    Heads up: You could've block a whole domain if you do not enter a valid email address. Check all blocked addresses listed.
  5. To remove a blocked address, highlight it and click the trash can icon. 

If no erroneous blocks were found, or no blocked addresses exist, check the filters. You may have created email filters.


  1. In the upper-right corner, select the Gear, and choose More Settings to access Settings. 
  2. On the Settings menu, from the left-hand column, select Filters


  • Example 1: You created a filter to route messages with pizzahut.com in the From field to the folder named Trash. 


  • If this is an email you assume is missing, please check the folder for the message(s) in question.
  • If the messages are found, please check filters/folders. You can leave the filters as is, edit, or delete as they see fit.


Also, please try resetting your password as this could help resolving the issue. Please review our AT&T Mail support for more information.



Let me know how it goes.


For further assistance we're here to assist you.



Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forums!

Jennifer, AT&T Community Specialist.

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