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Need to update email settings?
texgeekboy's profile



53 Messages

Friday, June 7th, 2024 1:50 PM

iPhone and iPad Not Receiving all emails

This is on my wife's Apple devices.  The devices are the latest models, and the OS is up to date.  For some time now she's been complaining about missing emails, or emails that show up days after they were sent.  She originally had the Outlook app, but I changed her to Apple mail out of desperation.  Both email programs exhibit the problem, so I'm guessing it has to be with the AT&T servers.  She is using a different OAUTH code on both devices.  Could that be a problem?  I think each device is supposed to have a unique OAUTH, but I'm not sure.

I have gone to currently.com, and the emails she's complaining about not seeing on her Apple devices are indeed in her Inbox there.

To be clear, this is straight Apple mail, this is not going through any corporate email servers or programs.  It's about as plain vanilla as it could be.  I've searched for the problem here, and while I found this many times, I couldn't see a solution for my problem.

One last point.  We changed to AT&T email about 3 years ago when our former email provider stopped providing that service.  We never had a problem on her Apple devices using those servers (texas.net).

Accepted Solution

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

24 days ago

FWIW, I too use POP3 for may Apple email service (not AT&T/Yahoo). I get most of my emails on all three of my Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, and MacBook pro). I primarily use my MBP for email. However, I've noticed that on occasion, if I read an email on my MBP, it doesn't always appear on the other two devices. I just attributed that to the fact that I've download the email and it no longer appears on the mail server. You might want to check with Apple on your email settings just to make sure that you haven't missed a setting somewhere. And, I use the same login creds on all three.

Accepted Solution



53 Messages

9 days ago

I think this is now solved.  Fundamentally, it was an Apple problem.  My wife had 400+ items in her inbox and a lot of emails in the TRASH folder.  I think it exceeded what Apple can handle (FYI, my wife's iPhone 15 Pro and iPad Pro have more memory than what comes standard).  I started deleting old and useless emails from her inbox, and moving some to folders we just created.  When we got the inbox down to a reasonable amount (50 maybe?), and deleted all the emails in TRASH, the inbox on the iPhone, iPad, and AT&Ts webmail were all in sync.  When a new email came in, it showed up in all 3 places.  Perhaps some pointers were corrupted?

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

24 days ago

1) I recommend not using ISP e-mail for various reasons, one of them being a typical lack of support.

2) Is there something about these e-mails that might make them less likely to be pulled by a client, e.g. they have attachments, especially large attachments?

3) "Missing" and "showing up days after they were sent" is two different issues (although, sure, I can see how the former morphs into the latter on some e-mails).  Do they eventually always show up?



53 Messages

24 days ago

Thanks for the reply JefferMC.  Answers are;

1. Yeah, I found that out with AT&T.  My previous ISP, texas.net, was actually very good in email support. They discontinued being an ISP about 18 years ago, which is when I went to AT&T, but they still provided email support for over 15 years or so. They finally stopped that about 2 years ago which is when I went to att.net.  I never had a problem with texas.net.  BTW, I use AT&Ts pop3 server (yeah, I know) for my email I get on my Win11 laptop with MS Outlook 2021.  I have no problems. 

2. Rarely are there attachments to these emails, and if there are they’re a small picture. There were no attachments to the latest problem emails. 

3. The emails may eventually show up or maybe not. 

On my iPhone and iPad I use Apple mail with the standard imap/smtp server settings and have never had a problem as far as I know, but since I use my laptop primarily I might not notice that. 

Do you have any thoughts on whether each device should have a unique OAUTH code or share one?

I’m a software developer with 40+ years of experience so I’m pretty good with this stuff. I’m at a loss here. 



53 Messages

24 days ago

Thanks OttoPylot.  The POP3 is only used for my account on my Win11.  I almost always read mail there, and then it's deleted from the server.  If I'm away I'll see new emails on my iPhone (using the IMAP/SMTP servers), and then when I get home and fire up the PC it disappears from the iPhone as it should.  For my wife's I know not to even start her with POP3 since she couldn't handle it.  She uses plain vanilla apple mail and leaves it on the server (probably forever).  She's not anywhere close to her space limit and I can't find a setting telling it to delete mails after a certain period.  The mails she missed all are recent, within a day of being sent.  She has no blocked senders.  The missing emails come from people she has received email from previously.  It seems like a timing thing to me, but I'm not a specialist in email delivery systems.

Thanks about the login credential info.  She is using different ones on her iPad and iPhone.  When I get a chance I'll set them to be the same.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

23 days ago

I'm assuming that the IMAP, POP3 and WEB interfaces all pull from the same mail store.  So, I see no reason why IMAP would not show you an e-mail that the HTML interface would, or vice versa, other than issues dependent on the protocol.  And if it ever shows up in IMAP after showing up in HTML, then that's probably not a protocol issue.



53 Messages

23 days ago

Thanks.  I truly need to review the settings on her iPad and iPhone, but there's a small problem.  We just got back from visiting our son in NY and I got Covid.  That isn't the problem, she's a high-order germaphobe so she won't let me touch them.  I'll post an update after I am cleared.  Ugh.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

23 days ago

Get well soon!



53 Messages

19 days ago

Uh....why?  I just tested covid free, but my wife still won't let me touch her devices.  I'll get to it tomorrow (Saturday).


ACE - Expert


36K Messages

19 days ago

Sorry @texgeekboy , not you.  Someone else had decided to post their (not related) issue on your thread.  I asked them to move, and they ignored me, so...

Come back when you can.

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