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Need to update email settings?
Dard's profile

9 Messages

Monday, December 18th, 2023 10:50 PM

Folders pane

In my Yahoo/ATT email page when  I move an email to a folder, the folder pane scrolls very fast and it's difficult to direct the email to a specific folder. I don't want it to scroll at all. This is only on my desktop; the laptop seems fine; all the folders are not moving at all so I suspect it's a setting in the computer or in the  mouse. I can't find how to change it; googled many different ways...I'm stuck.


Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 months ago

Hello @Dard.,

We appreciate your response and help on this matter and @swoo9305 you were able to get a better understanding on the first bill.

Thanks for visiting AT&T Community Forums.
GaryN, Community Forums Specialist.

9 Messages

7 months ago

No one has responded to or answered my question.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 months ago

Hey there!


We hear you and are happy to assist you!


Here are the steps to modify the pointer speed:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Open Bluetooth and Device settings.
  3. Click on Additional mouse settings.
  4. The Mouse Properties box will open.
  5. Open the Pointer Options tab.
  6. Under Motion, see the Pointer speed using the slider.
  7. Click Apply and exit.

If adjusting the pointer speed doesn’t help, you might want to try using an alternative browser like Chrome. If the issue persists, I recommend reaching out to Yahoo/ATT support for further assistance.

Hope this information helps!

Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forum.

Nina, AT&T Community Forum Specialist.

9 Messages

7 months ago

Sorry, but didn't do anything. I brought the mouse pointer to zero and of course all it did was slow down the mouse but made no difference in my question. I  hope I was clear enough in my question

9 Messages

7 months ago

Sorry, but didn't do anything. I brought the mouse pointer to zero and of course all it did was slow down the mouse but made no difference in my question. I  hope I was clear enough in my question

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 months ago

Hello @Dard,
Thank you for getting back to us! Let’s get the help you need and point you in the right direction.


  • First, let’s check your mouse settings. Sometimes, the scrolling speed can be adjusted there. You might want to slow down the scroll speed to make it more manageable.
  • If you’re using a wheel mouse, try adjusting the wheel sensitivity. You can usually find this in your computer’s control panel or settings.

We recommend that you try clearing your browser cache and cookies, also try using a different browser.

We hope this information is helpful, and thanks for reaching out to AT&T Community Forums!
Leon, AT&T Community Forum Specialist

9 Messages

7 months ago

Cleared cache, browser history, tried on Edge....nothing worked.

Do you understand my issue? Did I explain it ok?

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 months ago

Hello @Dard, Thank you for getting back to us, we hear you and let's get you in right path!


We recommend you reaching out to Yahoo/ATT support for further assistance. 


Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forum!


AT&T Community Forum Specialist.

4 Messages

6 months ago

If you're experiencing issues with the folder pane scrolling too quickly when moving an email to a folder in your Yahoo/ATT email on your desktop, there are a few potential troubleshooting steps you can take:

  1. Check Mouse Settings:

    • If you suspect it might be related to your mouse, try adjusting the mouse settings.
    • Go to your computer's Control Panel or System Preferences (depending on your operating system).
    • Look for the Mouse settings and adjust the scroll wheel settings, such as reducing the scroll speed or adjusting other related settings.
  2. Browser Settings:

    • Ensure that your browser is updated to the latest version.
    • Clear your browser cache and cookies. Sometimes, a buildup of cache or cookies can cause unexpected behavior in web applications.
    • Try using a different web browser to see if the issue persists. For instance, if you're using Chrome, try Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
  3. Yahoo Mail Settings:

    • Log in to your Yahoo/ATT email account and access the settings or options menu.
    • Look for any settings related to the interface or display options for the email folders.
    • Check if there's an option to adjust the folder pane scrolling behavior. Unfortunately, Yahoo Mail might not have specific settings for this behavior, but it's worth checking.
  4. Zoom Settings:

    • Sometimes, zoom settings in the browser can affect how pages behave. Make sure your browser zoom level is set to 100% or the default setting.
  5. Disable Browser Extensions/Add-ons:

    • Disable any browser extensions or add-ons that might be interfering with the functionality of your Yahoo Mail.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it might be worth reaching out to Yahoo/ATT support for further assistance. They might have specific insights or solutions for the scrolling issue you're experiencing on your desktop computer.

9 Messages

6 months ago

Thank you so much for these detailed solutions, however....none of these worked to correct my issue. Thing is, on the laptop, the folders' files don't move at all. When I swing the email to the appropriate folder, it just stays there and scrolls only if I scroll the mouse to the folder I want. On the desktop,  it scrolls by itself. Can't figure this one out.

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