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Need to update email settings?
DLPProductions's profile

1 Message

Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 9:32 PM


SBCGLOBAL.NET email address not receiving emails from certain domains/companies.

I'm hoping somebody can help us with this, as it's been bedeviling us for months in one form or another. This sbcglobal.net email (now managed by AT&T through Yahoo) has been the email our company has used since 2004. Here's the full history of the problem:

About a year and a half ago, we realized that we weren't getting emails from one or two specific domains that had previously worked fine. The emails didn't go into spam or trash--they didn't show up at all! As a workaround, we created filters, which would redirect emails from those companies into a new folder, on which we could transfer them to the inbox. We were able to get the emails in this way, but over time we discovered a few more domains from which we couldn't get emails unless we created a filter.
A few weeks ago, a new email address from one of these problematic domains tried to send us an email. It wouldn't come through at all, even when we created new filters for it. After many calls to AT&T, one technician told us that the presence of any filters at all could prevent us from getting emails from certain domains and told us to delete all our filters. It didn't make sense, but I tried it, then requested test emails from contacts at two of the problematic domains. They came through! I thought the issue was solved.
I just discovered on Monday that someone from a new company we will be doing business with sent us an email, and we never received it; I only found out because our partner, CCed on the initial email, replied to everyone, including us. There are no filters. I did find two "blocked" addresses (in a different section of settings from "filters") that my boss thinks he added in the 2010s and deleted those.
Has anyone had a similar experience, or know what could be the root cause and how to fix this? We could ask this new company to send us a test email and see if it comes through, but at this point the boss wants this resolved definitively. He's saying we may have to switch to a new email address and archive or transfer all our old emails dating back nearly 20 years. This would be a nightmare! I called AT&T again, but they bounced me around to many different places, even giving me phone numbers that were no longer valid, and ultimately sent me to the Digital Assistance Center, where the woman told me that they were powerless to help because it was not a login issue and that a local technician like Geek Squad would have to fix our email settings. That sounds fishy to me.
Please, if you have any help or insight, I would be really grateful!

Community Support


232.9K Messages

8 months ago

Hello @DLPProductions,


Thank you for reaching out to us! We understand that you're not receiving email from certain domains/companies on your SBCGLOBAL email address, and we'd be happy to assist you with this. 


Here are some possible reasons why this might be happening:

  • The email might have been marked as spam by your email provider or email client.
  • The email might have been blocked by your email provider or email client.
  • The email might have been sent to your spam folder instead of your inbox.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check your spam folder: Sometimes, emails from certain domains/companies may be marked as spam by your email provider and sent to your spam folder. Please check your spam folder to see if the emails are there.
  2. Add the email address of the sender to your contacts list.
  3. Check your email settings to make sure that the email address of the sender is not blocked or marked as spam.
  4. ⁠Review your account settings: Navigate to the “Blocked Addresses” section of your email account settings and check if there are any addresses from which you expect email. If so, remove them from the blocked list.
  5. ⁠Check your safe senders list: If you are using Outlook, check if the domain is added to the block senders list.

Let us know how it goes.

For further assistance, we are always here to help!


Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forum.

Nate, AT&T Community Forum Specialist.

New Member


1 Message

5 months ago

I have this problem and I need help very badly. I have had a few, 2 or 3, customers not receiving my emails. It does not go to spam, it just doesn't get received. I have been trying everything I know and nothing works. The 5 things you have stated above does not work. Something is wrong. I need help.

1 Message

4 months ago

I have the same problem and none of the suggested remedies works.  It has hotten worse since March 1.  Am I alone?

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