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pbmendez's profile

New Member


2 Messages

Wednesday, May 18th, 2022 4:30 PM

Too many known senders going into the junk folder

Lately Yahoo has been nuts about sending alot of my regular contacts into the spam/junk folder.

Even when i say "not spam"  future emails from the same addresses (which are in my contacts) keep ending up in the spam folder.

How do I adjust the sensitivity or stop this from happening. 

New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

I have just spent hours with various techs trying to figure this out.  Same thing has been happening to me for about a month or so now.  Hope we get an answer because tech support has not been much help! 

New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

Have noticed that Yahoo mail has been pushing an update.  Do we need to update Yahoo mail client to fix this? Or can our free Yahoo platform still work with the ATT email accounts?

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

@pbmendez   You can't adjust or stop it.  Yahoo has never seemed able to understand what "not spam" means.  They were even sending emails from AT&T to spam!  No amount of "not spam" marking made that stop.  The real solution is to move to another email service that actually works.

@karanmc  AT&T's tech "support" can't help because they don't have any way to affect what happens on Yahoo servers.  AT&T just pays Yahoo to provide the email service.  And of course if you contact Yahoo, they'll point you back at AT&T.  Convenient, eh?

This has nothing to do with Yahoo Mail +, which is just as flawed as the free email since it's all run off the same servers.  See the real solution I gave above.



50 Messages

2 years ago

I've been having the same problem (and so are others, based on some other threads on here).  I have even created filters which has always solved this kind of problem in the past, but this time, the emails still go to spam even with filters saying they should go to my inbox.  Called AT&T the other day and they are supposed to be looking into it (we all agreed it's probably a Yahoo issue).    

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

Called AT&T the other day and they are supposed to be looking into it 



50 Messages

2 years ago

Yes, that's probably about right - but if enough people are having issues and enough people keep complaining, they may decide it's in their own best interest to fix it so they don't have to keep talking to us.  Or it may accidentally fix itself at some point when something or other is updated...

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

Scroll through the forums here and you'll see more than enough people complaining with this issue. It's been ongoing for months, same story over and over.  ATTHelp (the only employees here in an official capacity) keeps giving out lame advice that will never fix the problem.

That's because AT&T doesn't have the power (or the will, quite frankly) to change anything.  They pay Yahoo to provide this awful excuse for an email service and Yahoo is the only one who can fix it.  I suspect Yahoo is also "looking into it".

As I mentioned earlier, for more than a year I was getting official AT&T email sent to my Yahoo-based account and it went straight into Spam.  No amount of marking made any difference and apparently AT&T didn't care enough to get it fixed. 

2 Messages

7 months ago

AT&T/ Yahoo get their marching orders from the Biden Administration. They send all action alerts from the NRA and Gun Owners of America to my junk folder. When I mark them as not spam, they just block them completely. I have them both in contacts folder, and even when I go to NRA's website and sign up sign up to receive alerts, repeatedly, they still get blocked. Nothing but a bunch of Communists.

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