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firstchillzilla's profile

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15 Messages

Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 6:39 PM

Can't edit exiting contact or add new contact in my address book

I'm posting the again because the last response from a specialist had nothing to do with the problem

I'll try again.  This has nothing to do with MY CONTACT INFO.  

This has to do with trying to enter a new contact or edit an existing contact  in my ADDRESS BOOK.

From my account login page, I can click on "Manage Home Phone"  that takes me to a "My Phone" Page.  On the right side of the page, I click on "Manage Phone Features"  that takes me to a "My Phone" page that says I have one voicemail account.  I click the button the click on continue.  That takes me to "Phone Features" page.  Then I click on Contacts on the left side of that page. that takes me to the "Manage Conacts" page.  From there, when I try to enter a new contact or edit an existing contact in my address book, I get  the

An error has occurred in Address Book, please try again. (code 305) message.

This function used to work OK, as I have several contacts in my address book I've added but it's been a while since the function has worked correctly

1 Message

4 months ago

I've been experiencing the same problem for several weeks now, with no respite.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

4 months ago

Hi @JimShelf, we understand that are facing a challenge with editing contacts/ addition of new contact, and we wish to guide you to the right direction:

The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs.   This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns.  To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact Us page, and choose the best option to reach out to us.  You can call, chat, or reach out via social media and we can review your specific issue and provide you support.  If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help”.

Thank you for visiting Community & Forums,
Billy, AT&T Community Specialist.


New Member


15 Messages

4 months ago

This isn't an account specific problem.  MANY people have the exact same problem.   There's one reply above to my post, and I've seen other posts on this forum with the same problem.  And just because you don't see a ton of comments here doesn't mean it isn't an ATT problem.  The help page doesn't help.  It only says to do what we try to do, which doesn't work.

BTW, the error code (error 305) indicates a proxy error on the ATT end.

So, let's see...

How about all people who read this post, try to add names to your address book or edit existing contacts, and let us know what results  you get.


1 Message

3 months ago

I have the same problem.  I spent about an hour on the phone with a support person who was not familiar with the address book.  Very painful.  She said she will inform her supervisor about the problem.


If ATT programmers were employed by Amazon they would be fired within a week!

New Member


15 Messages

3 months ago

The only way I've found to add a name & number to your address book is from your call history tab.  When you look at the list of incoming and outgoing calls, you'll see in the right hand column called "Actions".  The little icon appears to me to be a book and a pencil.  You'll see a red plus sign on the icon.  If you click on the icon, a pop-up window comes up.  You can add the name of your choosing in that window.

But, be VERY CAREFUL to do it right.  You only get one chance.  Once it's added to your contacts list, you can't edit or change it.  You'll be stuck with the 

"An error has occurred in Address Book, please try again. (code 305)" message.

And that pop-up window doesn't always come up.  I've had to, log out of my account then log back in to get that "feature" to work

Apparently "rigorous software testing before going live" isn't in someone's vocabulary...



19.7K Messages

3 months ago

This is just curiosity on my part. As many address books or directories available on several devices, what's the need or purpose of the address book in the phone portal? I don't have the service or I'd look at it myself, I did some searching but can't find what the portals address book is intended for.   

New Member


15 Messages

3 months ago

Well, as someone who doesn't have "many address books or directories available on several devices", I'll tell you what I use the address book for.  While working from my computer when I'm at home, I can call someone in my address book over my VOIP phone.  I can and have made three-way calls.  I can have multiple windows open while working, the ATT phone page, maybe a window with an excel spreadsheet open, or a Word document open.

As someone who's managed software development and software support activity teams for decades before retiring, I wonder how and why an entity would allow their software to go "live" for  the end users without the rigorous testing needed.  Yes, decades.  I had an email address from DARPA in the mid-70's, longe before Al G "invented" the internet.

The phone portal used to work just fine.  Parts of it work.  Parts are a royal PIA. I can't tell if ATT can't figure it out or just doesn't care.

We'll have to wait and see, I suppose.  But it's a helluva way to run a railroad, as the saying goes. 



19.7K Messages

3 months ago

So, you can pull a number out of the portal and click it and it will call it? That's what I'm understanding. Like I said just curious. By many directories I was referring to, cell phones, home phones that can have directories, emails as well as contacts on the computer. That's the ones I have that I use and of course both the home and the cell phones can call from the directory and do 3 way calling. I can see an advantage if you can pull up your portal directory and click on a couple numbers to set up three way calling quickly. Not trying to tick anyone off, just trying to get a feel for what it would be used for that other directories can't do. 


ACE - Expert


28K Messages

3 months ago

TBH…the portal for ATT Voice is ridiculously complicated and convoluted.  I’ve forwarded my calls to my cell while on vacation using the star code and the OSCID is super but I use the contact list on my phone.   🤷‍♀️

New Member


15 Messages

3 months ago

Yeah, sure, there's million ways for people to manage their info.  I choose to only use my cell phone occasionally, and really only carry it for emergencies or the occasional SMS message.  I don't use social media of any sort.  I found it to be a total waste of my time.  I don't walk around with my cell phone glued to my face.  

So call me a dinosaur if you want to.

This thread is about a company that offered a tool to its customers.  Apparently a lot of these customers use it, or try to.  Then the company made changes.  These changes to software apparently were not rigorously tested before the changes went live.

Now the tool has "features" that used to work but don't work today.  The company apparently doesn't know or care, given their responses which give instructions and refer users to pages with steps that plain don't work.  They have staff answering calls and chats that know nothing about the tool in question or the problems with that tool.

So manage your contacts however you want. 


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