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cybasmith's profile



11 Messages

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018 12:46 AM


Cordless phone won't hold correct time

The Eastern Standard Time keeps reverting to Central time on my EL52200 cordless phone?  Then when I check my answering machine it has the wrong time the call was received.  I've reset it numerous times but the same thing keeps happening.

Accepted Solution

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19.7K Messages

6 years ago

Step number 8 states at the end of the process to press menu/select to confirm and that you'll hear a confirmation tone, if you don't hear the tone it didn't take.  Also if you have the year set correctly the CID ought to keep the correct time for you.  Have you checked your CID to see if the time stamp is correct?  If the time stamp coming into you is incorrect so will be the time on your phone, that would have to be reported to your service provider.  If you're getting the confirmation tone when setting your time and the time stamp on the CID is right, than the only thing left is the base unit is probably bad. 



19.7K Messages

6 years ago

You can find the manual here date and time can be found on page 13, there is no setting for time zone. Per the manual correct time is maintained via CID, but you must initially set it and the correct year has to be manually set.  



11 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks so much for your help. I have the manual PDF on my desktop and have reset it numerous times. I doesn't call for any particular operation after doing so, so I hit "menu" again and it's supposed to be set. After a while (since I assume that to be true I don't check it as to how long) it goes right back to an hour previously. If there is some procedure I'm missing I would be most appreciative to know it.
Thanks, cybasmith



11 Messages

6 years ago

Before I left to go to the gym at 11:30 am I set the time again. I got the confirmation tone and the correct time displayed on the screen. Just now I checked and the screen displays one hour behind! I don't have caller ID and am at a loss for what is making it go back an hour without any input I'm aware of.
Thank you for your help on this though.



19.7K Messages

6 years ago

This will prove if the problem is something incoming from the phone company or your base unit.  Unplug your phone from the phone line, set the time, wait the appropriate amount of time based on past problem experience and see if the time changes.  If it doesn't there's something coming from the phone company even though you don't have CID.  If it does change it's your base unit, pitch it and get a new one if this is a major problem.  


What service do you have and with which phone carrier that doesn't send CID?  It would have to be a basic service with no features. 



6 Messages

6 years ago

Everyone is right in what they are saying but there is one detail that has not been addressed. Somewhere in your phone menu time settings there is (probably) a selection for a setting that can be toggled between Caller ID setting and Manual setting. Choose 'Manual' and proceed to set your time as outlined in the previous responses.  Leave your selection in "Manual" and it will maintain the correct time. If you set it to "CID" the time will be right until someone outside your time zone (telemarketer, fund raiser, etc) calls, and then the time will be set for their time zone.   If you can not find a 'manual/cid" choice when you have the wrong time, you might try having someone in your time zone call (let it ring a least 3 times) and see if that sets the right time.



1 Message

5 years ago

Ok I have a question regarding my phone displaying the incorrect time I am having somewhat of the same issue the only differences are that the only time my phone does this is after I receive a phone call, and when it does happen it actually jumps 5 hours and not just 1 what could be my problem is it my phone or is it my provider



1 Message

5 years ago

Same problem here AND the month is being reset to one month earlier (October from November). The time shifts 5 hours forward, exactly, the minutes do not change... and the date shifts backward one month but the numerical day stays correct.



6 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you for posting it is really helpful.



1 Message

5 years ago

I have had the same problem for years and if that is the case the phone has been bad since I bought it from Sam's Club some years ago. The only thing wrong with this model AT&T phone is it is a LEMON and they should have replaced them all along time ago. No more AT&T phones for our family!

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