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1 Message

Monday, January 4th, 2021 7:07 PM

Forward landline voicemail message to cell phone?

My father passed away a month ago and I just checked our landline voicemail messages today and found two messages from him from last April. I desperately want to save them, but we're planning to get rid of our landline. How can I forward these messages to another phone (my iPhone, which is not on ATT, or my mother's landline)? Thanks for any help.



19.7K Messages

4 years ago

I don't know if it can be done or not.  All you can do is call your provider to see what your options are.

2 Messages

1 year ago

I'm trying to do this, too!  Closing my business and have several personal calls I wish to try and save. Can anyone help me?  Running out of time!!



19.7K Messages

1 year ago

Same answer that was given 3 years ago. 

2 Messages

1 year ago

So.. there really is no way, except maybe voicemail forwarding, but that won't work in this instance.  Trying to do another type of manual recording from my phone to another device. not a good quality, but at least I'll have the messages.. so sad. 

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