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6 Messages

Friday, May 8th, 2020 8:16 PM

Help AGAIN Time Stamp wrong Time Zone

All has been well until May 5, 2020 and the time stamp went to Eastern Zone again. Last correction was by a AT & T tech who recognzed my stamp was switched by automation and went to wrong home area Would someone direct me to appropriate Tech to correct this again?



12 Messages

a year ago


PROBLEM RESOLVED: Got call from AT&T tech who advised his team was working on this, next day another Tech called and advised they have corrected the problem. Checked the Time Stamp and it was correct. Possibly they had me in Eastern Zone (Huntsville, Tn.) but I should and am now served out of Huntsville Al.. This change corrected the Time Zone issue. Probably too simple to attract attention, but finally it is correct. 🙂

Community Support


232.9K Messages

4 years ago

Allow us to extend a helping hand @khstev1


For assistance and additional troubleshooting with your home phone, please contact our Customer Support Team at: 800.331.0500 which are available 8am - 9pm local time.


We hope this helps, and thanks for reaching out to the community!


Dwight, AT&T Community Specialist  

New Member


6 Messages

Thank Your, will give it a shot.



19.7K Messages

@khstev1 not sure why you created another account. The number given you by ATTHelp is for wireless service not U-verse. Bottom line is per the topics under your other user name you have service that is being homed out of the eastern time zone but live in the central time zone. You get it fixed, but the next time change it reverts back. Until they home you out of the central time zone, if it can be done, this is going to continue and you'll have to keep struggling with repair as in the past until you find someone that understands what you're talking about. I know they make cordless system where the time stamp being set by CID can be turned off and you just set it manually, but I can't tell you which ones give you the option. It will take some research on your part to find one. It's possible your phone system could have this feature.


New Member


6 Messages

Was unable to log on with other ID and password. The issue is the time stamp suddenly appeared again after it had worked correctly for almost a year. It was not related to my phone and was corrected by by an AT&T IT person with a phone call, The problem has been occuring over the last 5+ years with regularity and only success was a call from a Management person who had a tech that could make changes to the system that malfunctioned. Called the Ph # and they were clueless. Could I be the only person in USA that has this situation? How I was homed in Eastern Zone is a mystery. Zip is 37334.



19.7K Messages

I didn't say the problem was with your phone re-read the post.


New Member


6 Messages

Thank you for assistance, Have a Great day. :-)

New Member


6 Messages

3 months ago

Time Stamp Has reverted to previous state and WRONG Again.  Attempts to call for assistance futile and dead end.  Any new procedure to try other than FCC?



19.7K Messages

3 months ago

Since this issue is four years old, I'd say an FCC complaint is warranted. 

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