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Ectophile's profile



2 Messages

Sunday, December 6th, 2015 1:43 AM

No Dial Tone on Landline in San DIego - Need Immediate Repairs

For health reasons, I need to have immediate and constant access to a landline. My landline went dead after I received a robocall and hung up. I called AT&T repair service using Google Talk VoIP from my computer and opened a repair ticket using the automated service, but was told that my service will not be restored until Monday, December 7, 2015 by 6:00 PM PST. That's more that 48 hours without landline phone servie, which is unacceptable. How do I get my phone service restored sooner? AT&T is my inter and intra local and long distance phone provider. I maintain a landline for reliability. I need to have my landline phone service restored immediately. Thank you for your help.



2 Messages

9 years ago

My AT&T home phone landline outage lasted over 40 hours. It was caused by an AT&T U-verse installer who was working in my downstairs neighbor's condo on Saturday afternoon, December 5. While working on a neighbor's AT&T U-verse telephone service, the AT&T technician cut my telephone lines which were part of the common wire bundle which serves 4 condominium units. The same technician also disconnected the exterior telephone wires to my unit in the garage switchboard area. These wires were clearly marked with my unit # and NOT that of my neighbor. The AT&T technician who responded to my service call this morning could not initially understand the cause of my outage, and thought that it was a break in the wires inside my walls caused by rodents chewing on them! He was considering an option to run new wiring in my apartment, until I asked him to call his dispatcher and check on previous service calls at or near my address on Saturday, Dec 5th, the day I lost telephone service. That led him to discover the cut wires in my neighbor's apartment, which caused my 40 hours loss of service, put my health in jeopardy, and also caused me great inconvenience. Since this problem was caused by an AT&T service personnel, I wish to be compensated for loss of telephone service, inconvenience, the impact on my health, stress, and time that was imposed upon me to resolve this problem. Please pass this message along to your supervisors and have someone personally contact me to further resolve my complaints. My main objective is to see that this NEVER happens again, to me or anyone else. This whole problem could have been easily avoidable by a better trained and more careful AT&T U-Verse technician.


I would be pleased to hear from other AT&T customers who may had experienced similar problems that were caused by mistakes made by AT&T field technicians.


Thanks for your feedback.

@Ectophile wrote:

For health reasons, I need to have immediate and constant access to a landline. My landline went dead after I received a robocall and hung up. I called AT&T repair service using Google Talk VoIP from my computer and opened a repair ticket using the automated service, but was told that my service will not be restored until Monday, December 7, 2015 by 6:00 PM PST. That's more that 48 hours without landline phone servie, which is unacceptable. How do I get my phone service restored sooner? AT&T is my inter and intra-lada local and long distance phone provider. I maintain a landline for reliability as I live in a cellular "dead zone". I need to have my landline phone service restored immediately. Thank you for your help.


ACE - Expert


36K Messages

9 years ago

@Ectophile wrote:

My AT&T home phone landline outage lasted over 40 hours. It was caused by an AT&T U-verse installer who was working in my downstairs neighbor's condo on Saturday afternoon, December 5. While working on a neighbor's AT&T U-verse telephone service, the AT&T technician cut my telephone lines which were part of the common wire bundle which serves 4 condominium units. The same technician also disconnected the exterior telephone wires to my unit in the garage switchboard area. These wires were clearly marked with my unit # and NOT that of my neighbor. The AT&T technician who responded to my service call this morning could not initially understand the cause of my outage, and thought that it was a break in the wires inside my walls caused by rodents chewing on them! He was considering an option to run new wiring in my apartment, until I asked him to call his dispatcher and check on previous service calls at or near my address on Saturday, Dec 5th, the day I lost telephone service. That led him to discover the cut wires in my neighbor's apartment, which caused my 40 hours loss of service, put my health in jeopardy, and also caused me great inconvenience. Since this problem was caused by an AT&T service personnel, I wish to be compensated for loss of telephone service, inconvenience, the impact on my health, stress, and time that was imposed upon me to resolve this problem. Please pass this message along to your supervisors and have someone personally contact me to further resolve my complaints. My main objective is to see that this NEVER happens again, to me or anyone else. This whole problem could have been easily avoidable by a better trained and more careful AT&T U-Verse technician...



@Ectophile, you have made a post an a public forum provided for AT&T users to communicate with other AT&T users.While AT&T employees do look at forum posts from time to time, you should have no expectation that any particular action will come from such a post (e.g. creating a credit on your account; informing supervisors of an issue on your account; these things will not happen).


You should instead click this Customer Service link to send a Private Message (PM) to the AT&T customer service team to help you resolve your request. You can expect a reply via return PM (the blue envelope in the upper right hand corner of this site, next to your avatar and name) in a business day or three. You can speed things up by including your name, Billing Account Number and the best way and time to reach you.


@Ectophile wrote:

I would be pleased to hear from other AT&T customers who may had experienced similar problems that were caused by mistakes made by AT&T field technicians.


Thanks for your feedback.

You would be pleased to hear that other AT&T subscribers had a bad experience?  That doesn't sound very nice.


In all seriousness, it sounds like your MDU units are wired in a somewhat peculiar fashion.  Training cannot cover all situations.  Your outage is unfortunate, and you are due a credit for the days you were without service and should ask for it.




1 Message

8 years ago

No cell service where  I live. Landline goes down when it rains. I was told by 2 different repairmen last year that if ATT would "FIX" the problem (it's woodpeckers) instead of  " just putting a bandage on it" it would stop. Here we are 1st rain of 2016 and I have no landline.  ATT has refused to come out until the 25th (10 days without service) I let them know that I'm disabled.  It should be illegal to make someone who is dependant on a line line  to wait 10 days without telephone service. I tried their "CHAT" and was promised service on Tues the 18th, then on Wed the 19th. 5 "CHATS" later I'm still scheduled for the 25th. I can only assume these people just wanted to be rid of me, so they just out and out lied.  SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on ATT for their lack of service, both repair and customer.

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