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KEB222's profile



11 Messages

Monday, May 9th, 2016 3:40 PM

Wireless home phone + internet ZTE Z700A can't forward calls

Try to forward calls with *21*nnnnnnnnnn# where nnnnnnnnnn is the 10 digit number to forward to and I get a three note error tone. Tech support has had the problem for over a month (!) with no resolution.


I also have a ZTE WF721 home phone only and forwarding works fine.


Does anyone have a Z700A that CAN forward calls?



10.1K Messages

8 years ago

@KEB222 - Is 10n the local area dialing & 1 -10n us toll calling & 21 -10 is ???


Maybe it isnot valid for your connection?

Maybe you have it blocked?

Maybe you need more digits? (e.g. 1-21- 10n)??

How about a # or * aty the end to tell the switch you are done dialiing??


I guess I misread your post & talked about the forwarding number - seems like that is where the error is. Not sure why the incoming format would matter unless it is not recognized by your forwarding mechanizm. Can you forwar other calls to the same number to see if it is the called number or the incoming number?






11 Messages

8 years ago

I also have a "home phone only" ZTE WF721.
Forwarding instructions are identical to those for Z700A.
I AM able to forward from WF721 to my cell phone and get a confirmation >beep<
Forwarding from Z700A to the same number gives a three-note error tone >Da-Da Da< in rising pitch.



375 Messages

8 years ago

What are:  home phone only" ZTE WF721

and  Z700A   Phones ?



11 Messages

8 years ago

Wireless home phone interface devices from manufacturer ZTE. One is home phone only, the other is home phone with internet hotspot.



375 Messages

8 years ago

What do you Dial (numbers) when trying to forward ?

What Providers are they Connected to ?

Where does the "Internet Hot Spot" fit into a Phone line ?

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