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channika's profile

New Member


2 Messages

Tuesday, April 11th, 2023 5:01 PM

Absolutely the WORST- I regret using AT&T

After you guys cut my wire for my dog’s invisible fence, I have been transferred all over the world to different AT&T call centers and been given the run around for you (Edited per community guidelines) to fix this before my dog runs off my property & gets hurt. I am beyond (Edited per community guidelines) & frustrated- one agent actually transferred me to a number that has been disconnected. And now after waiting for a call, I got a call from a woman named Shennell at Sedgwick who left a number for me - but I was on hold forever only to get hung up on & when I call back that number has a short recording and hangs up. You guys are ridiculous- lucky I am an attorney & will seek legal action if needed. Absolutely pathetic AT&T- smh- I will be canceling & going with your competitor 

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

1 year ago

You are calling about an issue very few agents would have any idea how to handle. That’s not an excuse, just the reality. If calls aren’t getting results, you should escalate to corporate by filing an FCC or BBB complaint. The complaint will result in someone from corporate contacting you. They’ll get your issue addressed much faster than going the legal route.

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

1 year ago

As an attorney you will want to review the SERVICE AGREEMENT

1.3 Dispute Resolution

This part of the Agreement outlines how disputes between you and AT&T will be resolved through our informal dispute resolution process, individual arbitration, or small claims court. The informal dispute resolution process gives you the opportunity to explain what happened to someone in, or working with, our legal department. Under the terms of this Agreement, AT&T is encouraged to resolve issues early, without going any further.

New Member


2 Messages

1 year ago

I didn’t have any intent to file any legal action- I just felt like saying that in my post. Apparently it did something, because I’ve actually gotten a call back & things are finally moving forward. 

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