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aabrilamor's profile

4 Messages

Friday, September 22nd, 2023 4:33 PM


I am completely confused right now, how does a well established communication company, have such service? That's my question. My elderly mother of 74 years, has been dealing with, i find out, her landline phone sounding like a lawnmower for I don't know how long. She receives a letter from AT&T to upgrade boasting 'Keep your same number, Keep your same phone" &"get crystal clear & crisp reception"..We go through the process..ONLY to end up to weeks & weeks of the run around, the phone line still sounding WORSE each day! What?! Talked to 4 AT&T reps. to gain support/answers/rectification pertaining to the landline phone through all that AWFUL background sound..Talked to Ashley, Chris, Mandordo & Samuel..EVERY exchange we had was lengthy & confusing. We tried to be patient & understanding. Each person, had a different 'reason' as to WHY the 'new' AT&T Phone/Digital Phone service was not up & working, WHY they couldn't assist based on some elusive 4 digit passcode, etc. We forged on for this 'crystal clear & crisp reception' that NEVER materialized. I personally had ENOUGH yesterday and guess what? My 74 year old mother woke up today to pick up her landline phone @ 773-626-9067...its DEAD! My mother has had the same phone every since I was even born & I am 50 years old! What's gonna happen to other older individuals who still have landlines AND no cell phone, as a back up? This is deplorable!

4 Messages

10 months ago

The last 2 AT&T reps seemed more concerned with the cell phone we ended up talking to them on since THEY didn't want to hear that HORRIBLE & NERVE RACKING background sound on the AT&T landline phone my mom had been putting up for Lord knows how long! They kept asking what type of phone, what service, etc. WHY were they so concerned? It's just a pay as you go phone from another company that I personally got my mom so she would have something when she is out & about and 'may' need help. Focus on the phone from AT&T, PLEASE! I didn't say this but I DEFINITELY thought it! Come on, guys! One rep, said it needed an additional cable/cord and sent in a order via UPS/Fed Ex that would reach us in 2-3 days & he followed up 1 day AFTER that...BUT, of course, he stopped calling, no 'additional cable cord EVER arrived & we spoke to, yet another rep, that laughed on & off through the call and said we DIDN'T need an additional cable/cord AT ALL! This rep, by the end of the call, said we needed a technician AND another gateway...the gateway we have we JUST got when we switched to Fiber, its MAYBE between 1 year or 1 1/2 year max! Everything he asked me to do, I had already attempted & done because, like I said weeks had dragged by with OTHER AT&T reps sitting up on the phone saying things OVER & OVER AGAIN! 

4 Messages

10 months ago

If we established that our main carrier for phone & internet are AT&T, why did all these reps keep asking redundantly over & over 'What is your account number?" in the same phone exchanges/phone calls? Are some of the 'reps' A.I.? Are they glitching? I actually dreamed of myself repeating the account #'s for my mom's landline AND internet OVER & OVER! Don't you have computers? WHY do you think i'm asking for support from AT&T for services IF it's NOT AT&T services/accounts? Make it make sense, guys! You UPS/Fed Ex a long booklet to my mother, no equipment, etc and keep asking WHAT was in the shipment? Don't YOU know? 



19.7K Messages

10 months ago

I pretty confused as to what service you have, you mention landline, digital phone and fiber. Does her phone service currently plug into a modem? Digital phone service won't normally have noise like you're describing on it. Provided your modem's (if you have one) model number may help. 

4 Messages

10 months ago

AT&T you GOT TO DO BETTER! Some years ago, we got a bad storm & I noticed that the majority of wires in the back of the house were sagging rather low. There seemed to be 'some' static/interference on the AT&T landline phone & my mom's home internet back then, SO..I 'attempted' to go online via my job, etc. to get a service request. I couldn't. I don't know why, BUT I couldn't. The company simply kept showing ME how to either go in the basement AND on the actual pole OUTSIDE. What in the world? I AM NOT CLIMBING NO PHONE POLE OUTSIDE to fix something a communication company as large as AT&T is SUPPOSE to do! What I look like climbing a pole! Are you kidding me! At some point, inspite of me not successfully getting a service request, a technician did get my request..sorta. I will forget the exact year this took place BUT I do remember it was Easter Sunday..I looked out the window & saw a AT&T truck going atleast 70-80 miles an hour PAST my mother's home heading to the next major street! He was going so fast, the truck was balancing on 2 tires versus 4!! If I'm lying, I'm flying! Someone else from AT&T called my mom saying a technician was sent out but he never came to the home. At some point, 3-4 technicians DID come to our home, out of the blue & surprise, surprise, they end up coming back to our home for I don't remember how MANY days! One of the reps came and said he needed to look in the backyard @ the wires we said were hanging. He turned to me at some point & asked WHICH one(s) were from AT&T!!!!?? How would I know? I'm gonna be honest, I walked away shaking my head & left my mother to deal with whatever that was. She told me later, he started to pull random wires!!! I was moritified!



19.7K Messages

10 months ago

I give this is just ramblings. You are not addressing AT&T directly, this is a customer based forum. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

10 months ago

We understand where you're coming from @aabrilamor, we'll be happy to point you in the right direction.


 You can connect with our support team at 800.288.2020(Mon - Fri, 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. CT, Sat - Sun, 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. CT.) to assist you with your Digital phone services.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.


Irene, AT&T Community Specialist 

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