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4 Messages

Friday, December 31st, 2021 12:41 AM

HORRIBLE customer service regarding dead land-line and internet

Our "high-speed" internet first started having problems on a rainy day, December 14th. This has happened in the past, but usually cleared up as soon as the rain stopped. Not this time. Several days later, the internet was still down and the phone line went from crackling, to completely dead. (No dial tone.) After having to jump through hoops with AT&T customer service by phone (they claimed she gave them the "wrong 4-digit code" - she has used that same code with them since 2003), she then had to DRIVE to a local AT&T store to have her account verified and reset. FINALLY after that was taken care of, she got through by phone (her Verizon cell phone) to AT&T Customer Service. They tested the line, and informed us that it was having a problem. No kidding! They then scheduled a service call, FOR DECEMBER 30TH! Our window was 8-12 in the morning, so we made sure to be home during that time. After over two weeks without service, we didn't want to miss the technician. Did he show up by 12? NO. Did he show up by 2??? NO!!! Finally, my poor wife got through, after calling earlier and getting a recording promising that she'd be called back...in 1 HOUR AND 9 MINUTES! No such call, so she finally repeated the process. Finally, someone called her back and said that the technician HAD NEVER CHECKED IN TO GET HIS ASSIGNMENT! (Or something along those lines.) The customer so-called-service rep then claimed that they didn't have a number to contact us on. My wife then informed this person that THEY JUST CALLED HER ON THAT NUMBER, THE ONE SHE GAVE THEM ON DECEMBER 18TH!!! So now, we have no idea if someone's going to come today (it's getting dark), or tomorrow (December 31st? What are the odds????), or we'll go into a THIRD FULL WEEK WITH A DEAD LINE. This behavior is absolutely inexcusable. Does AT&T need to be reminded that it's no longer a monopoly??? They seem to still be behaving that way, based on this disastrous experience. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

3 years ago

We are here to help you get your services back up and running, DKwheels.


We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, and we know how important it is to have internet and phone.


Just to clarify, Is this landline or digital home phone?


If this is digital home phone, we suggest that you reboot your gateway as this will refresh the network and the phone.


If you have landline, we suggest that you unplug the phone from the wall and plug it back in after ten seconds. This will refresh the connection on the phone as well.


Let us know if this helps.


Marc, AT&T Community Specialist

New Member


4 Messages

3 years ago

It's a landline. Not digital, nothing to reboot. 

"If you have landline, we suggest that you unplug the phone from the wall and plug it back in after ten seconds. This will refresh the connection on the phone as well."

We have tried EVERYTHING!!!! If you'll read my original post, you'll see that when we FINALLY got hold of someone at AT&T on the phone, they TESTED THE LINE AND SAID THAT IS HAS A PROBLEM. THEY SCHEDULED A TECNICIAN TO COME OUT, AND THAT TECH NEVER SHOWED. 

Again, if you'd actually read what I wrote, you might get a grasp of what the problem is. 

Seriously, and no offense, but your cut-and-paste response seems to be a symptom of the overall problem with AT&T's customer service. 


Community Support


232.9K Messages

3 years ago

Hi, DKwheels.


Let’s meet in a Direct Message so that we can contact our landline team. Please check your Direct Message Inbox (it’s the chat icon next to the bell icon in the upper right corner of the Forums).


We look forward to hearing from you!


Marc, AT&T Community Specialist



New Member


4 Messages

3 years ago

Just so everyone else can see the progress, it's as if they JUST woke up and are attempting to START to correct this problem. They've also just realized that it's a holiday, and are now saying "it will probably be next week." YESTERDAY, when they were SUPPOSED to be here, it was NOT a holiday. 

New Member


4 Messages

3 years ago

Wow, tech actually showed up this afternoon. (Yes, on New Year's Day.) Spent a bunch of time up on the pole, at the junction box on the side of the house, and eventually at the area utility box somewhere else in the neighborhood. 

So, two weeks after we called, we now have working phone and internet. Fingers crossed the problem was solved. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

3 years ago

We're glad to see that your service is back up and running, DKwheels.


Thank you for reaching out to the Community Forums team. If you need help again in the future, we'll be here.


Aminah, AT&T Community Specialist

New Member


2 Messages

1 year ago

I'm having a terrible time with my landline been out for over 5 days, then back in Jan. for a month was not working.  Someone was suppose to come yesterday a no show in Los Angeles  What am I suppose to do, very aggravating and just trying to get ahold of a person to speak to ts a major feat.

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