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PortingIssue's profile



4 Messages

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014 4:56 PM

Will Someone at AT&T Solve My Porting Problem?

I have always been skeptical when I hear some elaborate story about how “real customer service” has become extinct, or how someone was “wronged” by an impersonal corporation.  It has been my experience that when someone is relaying one of these negative stories, one or two very important details are left out of their version, which if performed properly on their end, could have alleviated some or all of their “suffering”.  I also take exception to many of these one-sided negative stories because I work in Corporate America and pride myself on providing the best customer experience possible, and I am sure there are millions more of you out there waking up every morning with the same mentality. 


It has been my experience that most companies have their front-facing customer service associates (retail employees, call centers, etc.) prepared to handle 95% of the most common issues that arise during or after a business transaction, which is great if your main goal is to maximize Net Income by satisfying as many customers as their financially constricted budget will allow.  I do not have a problem with this concept because I realize financial resources are finite and must be managed responsibly or else many good, hardworking people can/will lose their jobs due to no fault of their own.


With that said, I want to inform you of my recent experience with changing telecommunications providers.  We had our internet and phone service through another provider.   Our internet speeds with them rarely reached the 2 mbps threshold, with the norm being between 500 kbps to 1.5 mbps, which is very slow compared to today’s standards.  We also experienced temporary internet outages and dropped phone calls on our VOIP home line at least once a week, sometimes multiple times per week.  To make matters worse, we were paying a higher-than-market rate because we had not proactively shopped around for a replacement service.  Since our contract had already expired, we began to look around the telecommunications marketplace to learn about our options so we could make an informed decision.   


On April 11th 2014, we decided to go with the AT&T U-Verse internet and phone products.  I had a few questions and I wanted to make sure I filled in the website application correctly, so I clicked on the “Chat Live Now” button.  The AT&T representative could not have been nicer.  She stayed on the chat line while I completed the forms in the event I had any additional questions; I had a few more and she was very helpful.  Near the end of the process, the website asks if I would like to “port” my current phone number into my new AT&T account.  I went back to “chat” and asked if I needed to call my former provider or do anything on my end to expedite the porting, and she said “no, AT&T will contact them to port your phone number”.  Great, we scheduled our installation and I was done, for now.   


Installation went well and we were up and running with our new AT&T U-Verse internet and phone service on April 30th 2014 with one exception, we have a “temporary phone number”.  I then discovered that our phone number had yet to be “ported” and “confirmed”, but we were told this happens sometimes and it may take a few days for the official confirmation. I called to check with AT&T the first week of May (I apologize, I do not know the exact date), and they said that they had not received confirmation yet. They cancelled that porting and scheduled another one for May 15th, 2014. I did not think much about it and went on with my life. Another small box arrived via FedEx welcoming us to AT&T and informing us of this new service date.  The deadline passed again with no porting, and I called AT&T again.


I will spare you the repetitive text of the scheduling of the port and the number not porting, and just list the dates of the scheduled porting below. 

  •         April 30th, 2014 (original installation date)
  •         May 7th, 2014 or May 8th, 2014
  •         May 15th, 2014
  •         May 21st 2014
  •         May 29th 2014
  •         June 13th, 2014
  •         June 18th, 2014
  •         June 24th, 2014
  •         July 3rd, 2014
  •         July 11th, 2014
  •         July 18th, 2014
  •         July 24th, 2014 (home service call)
  •         July 31st, 2014


These are just the calls to AT&T.  I tried to take good notes so I can provide accurate details, but I may have mistakenly omitted additional attempts to port my phone number.  I also want to emphasize that with each failed porting attempt, I had to call back into the AT&T call tree, answer all of those automated questions before talking to a human, re-explain my situation, allow them to read the notes, and then listen to the customer service associate tell me that the submission has not been completed and confirmed because it had an error, but now it has been corrected.  “Don’t worry” they would say, “everything is scheduled for (fill in new porting date here).  I am sorry for all of your trouble, but I am glad that I get to be the one that restores your faith in AT&T”.  I would then get the obligatory “Is there anything else I can help you with today?” scripted closing.  


As I mentioned before, I do not expect perfection and I know strange things can sometimes happen with technology.  My frustration is that I seem to simply get “re-scheduled” (no less than 12 times) and no one seems to want to see this through to a successful conclusion.  I have had 7 different people say the phrase “I am so sorry for your troubles, I will be the one to help you today to make sure this is the last time you call into AT&T about porting your phone number”.  Each time they would “online chat” with Tier II personnel to correct the errors and resubmit the request.  Along with those 7 people, I talked to 4 supervisors, and they committed to calling me back to verify my number was successfully ported.  To date, none of them have ever called to confirm one way or another.


On top of all of this, the monthly rate we were being charged somehow was changed from the originally agreed upon rate of $45 (I have a screenshot of this price from the AT&T website) to $90.  I called and talked to a representative in the AT&T billing department, and they said my account was reset due to the porting issues and I lost my discounts.  They reapplied the new customer U-Verse Internet and Voice discounts, but I noticed recently that our monthly rate has now increased to $60, and I have not taken the time to investigate why.


On July 24th 2014, we had an in-home service call because our U-Verse Internet was down.  The service technician was excellent and we were back up and running.  However, he also called to find out why our number has not been ported.  He heard that we were scheduled for July 31st 2014 and they could not do anything else until that date.  Unfortunately, July 31st 2014 came and went without our phone number being ported, and this letter is my first contact with AT&T since that time.


To put this in perspective, I am paying two different telecom companies (because my old account must remain “active” in order to port the number) and I do not have adequate phone service.  While we have a temporary phone number for outgoing calls, we are not receiving any incoming phone calls.  It is not just friends and family, but doctors, schools, youth coaches, credit card companies, insurance companies, utility companies, and any other entity that asks for a home phone number on their application, or anyone who looks up our phone number in the Yellow Pages.  We did not give out that temporary “469” phone number because it was not supposed to be attached to our household for more than a week.  How confusing would that be to ask all of these people and organizations to change our phone number to the temporary “469” number for now, only to call all of them again in the future to have them change it back to our “972” number.


Needless to say, this is one of the worst new customer experiences I can remember, and the hours I have spent (going through the automated call tree, sitting on hold, re-explaining our situation, getting transferred, etc.) with AT&T is more than I care to count.  I also have spent a lot of time doing the same thing with my former provider, but at least their hold times are much shorter. 


To summarize my first 100 days with AT&T:

  •         I have fast internet which has been working well.
  •         I have a temporary phone number that no one knows, therefore no one can call our house.
  •         I have placed no less than 22 phone calls to AT&T and my former provider combined, and at least 4 supervisors have committed to calling me back to make sure my number is ported; no one has ever called on the day of porting or on the day after porting.  
  •         I am paying both AT&T and my former provider, and we have inadequate phone service.
  •         I have been billed (and my credit card has been swept) at least three different amounts, and the only consolation to make up for my troubles is when one of your representatives offered me $20 off of my monthly bill.
  •         I am experiencing a combination of the kid’s game “Hot Potato” and the movie “Groundhog Day”; AT&T just wants to pass me along to get me off of the phone without dealing with the root of the problem, and they just keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.


The excerpt below is copied and pasted directly from the Business Code of Conduct on the www.att.com website. 


Our Commitment to Our Customers

We follow ethical sales practices.

Our customers should always know we value them. We fairly represent our products and services to them. We listen to our customers, and challenge ourselves to find new ways to offer the best solutions available to help them communicate efficiently, sustainably, and safely.  We earn and preserve their trust by treating them with honesty and integrity and in a professional, courteous manner. We deliver what we promise. We do not provide goods or services that customers did not authorize.


I am sure very few customers have experienced what I am going through, but I must ask the question:  How would you feel if you were in my shoes?  I understand things go wrong in all aspects of life, but my main complaint is that no one at AT&T seems to care whether my problem gets resolved.  As I mentioned before, simple communication is all we need for resolution.  I know AT&T is an excellent organization (bad companies do not earn $128 Billion a year in revenue), and I am sure my former provider has ported many phone numbers out of their system, but apparently the right people are not communicating with each other to find out what the errors are on the porting request, and how they need to be corrected.  If the right people had communicated effectively, the errors would have been corrected and my number would have been ported.  


I cannot answer my question (about being in my shoes) for you, but I will answer it for me.  I just want someone to care enough to contact me and let me know (1) what has been going on with the requests, (2) when my number will be ported, and (3) how my billing will be corrected.  I would also like someone to own the issue and make a follow-up phone call just to make sure everything was performed as AT&T committed.  


Community Support


6.7K Messages

10 years ago

Hi Portingissue,


I am so sorry about the issues you are having with porting your telephone number. I am showing that one of our agents has reached out to you in regards to that issue. If you are still having issues, please send us a message by clicking here.


-David T



2 Messages

10 years ago

Was it resolved?  I would love to know how, since I have the same issue, going on 2 months and numerous phone calls!



1 Message

9 years ago

Oh my goodness, I am in the same problem right now.  I am really, really, really frustrated and angry about this.  And worse, I keep getting routed thru cyclical AT&T support phone calls where everyone is always so helpful but doesn't fix the problem.  I'm starting to think they don't know how to fix it but won't just tell me that but are just passing me off to someone else.  


I called a few weeks ago, solely to get one of my two phone bills adjusted - it was strangely high. I have two lines into my house - one for home use, one for work (but not a business line).  I was told it could be dramatically decreased if I combined the bills.  Great!  Only thing is that to do so, I had to switch them both to uVerse and combine them on the same bill.  No problem.  Guys would come out, not even have to come in the house, but no worries.


Guys came out, came in the house, took half a day, brought down internet, phones (all while I"m trying to work, as recall, I was not expecting to de disrupted.)  I am left with temporary numbers for a short few days - would roll over in 2 days, automatically.


Now, 2 weeks later, I still have temporary numbers, my 'real' numbers don't go anywhere except to vmail.  This has caused multiple problems with the fact that my original 'real' phone numbers are those we depend upon and have for years.


To try to fix this, I am getting routed around the 'customer care' number like a hot potato, each time spending 45 minutes on the call, with lots of apologies and canned sentiments.  Bottom line is that no one is ever able to fix this issue nor really know what is causing it.  I can't talk to the same person a second time, so i have to explain this whole thing to each poor new unsuspecting person each time.  


I have been a professional with customer care ties most all of my 35 year career now.  This is one of the worst examples of truly caring for a customer I've ever seen.  I know all of the gaps - customer care reps don't talk or know to each other, there is no escalation path, and the customer is kept behind a wall of 'how to shut them off without really fixing their problem'.  


It's ridiculous and if this was not a monopoly in my area, believe me, I'd disconnect all services right now and move and tell everyone I know.   We have two phone lines, 3 cell phones, and internet thru AT&T so that would be a loss of a customer who has most everythign but is now so angry, she can barely see straight.  


Can anyone help?  I doubt it.  But if you have any insights, pls advise....

Community Support


6.7K Messages

9 years ago

Hi @carolekv ,


We have received your message and look forward to working with you to get this issue resolved.


-David T



61 Messages

9 years ago

I, too, am having issues getting my number ported over to AT&T. Originally scheduled to happen on the day of install on March 6, then the following Tuesday, March 10, then the 12th, then the 13th. Finally, today, the number showed up assigned to my account (after another phone call this morning) and strangely I can call that number with the home phone plugged into the RG and get through to it using my cell phone. However, everyone else that calls that number is being routed like it is still gojng through my old provider. On my last call to AT&T voice support  I was told the number still had not been "released" to AT&T but they were going to immediately call to have it done and call me back. NO call back yet.The FCC says porting of a number can not be refused and that a simple port should take no more than one business day! I sure hope I don't have to wait months for this to get resolved and, like the OP I am paying for two phone services while this gets resolved. I can't place all the blame on AT&T, some has to go with whoever currently "owns" my number (which was an AT&T number to start with years ago)  but one would think a company as big as AT&T would have the clout and resources to get this accomplished.



2 Messages

8 years ago

I am having the same horrible experience. We signed up for AT&T six weeks ago and have not been able to get our old number ported over. We have called a dozen times, each one taking about an hour, and it still hasnt't been resolved. Each time we are promised that it is being taken care of and should work by morning. There has been no follow up from AT&T. Can this get escalated to someone with the ability to fix this? 



6 Messages

8 years ago

Same issue here. Service installed on 9/22/2016. Told porting could take up to ten days but probably would happen within. 24 hours. A few days later hadn't happened & called, told request wasn't sent. New request made per reoresenative, same thing should be ported within 24 hours. Received new confirmations for u verse with much higher rate. Also received notification of bill from Directv, looked online and rate was much higher. Called again, said porting request caused discounts to "fall off", they corrected & waived an activation fee for internet that popped up with "new installation" (for service that was already installed). Surprise surprise, port request still hadn't gone through. That was last Thursday and number still hasn't been ported as of today (Sunday). This last call (cut off twice) totaled 3 calls & 2 hours & don't think we're any closer to resolving issue. Entire time I'm paying for service with Charter because I can't terminate until the number is ported. I've ported with two other companies in the past & was successful within 24 hours. This has been 10 days with two tries I'm told were unsuccessful & the third not looking good. This is unacceptable.



1 Message

7 years ago

3 years since first post made on this issue and we are encountering the SAME exact issue!  Have spent HOURS and Hours over 4-5 months getting run in circles, all resulting in the same result.. original At&T number still not ported back to AT&T.  Tried to roll it over to an online fax service, Efax, but were told number couldn't be ported to them in KS...probably due to some government agreement with AT&T.  Paying another provider monthly fee to keep number active so it can be ported back to AT&T since a move in their equipment on a tower stopped our ability to receive their service in our rural area. How can a company such as AT&T remain in business with such horrific customer service related to something so simple...or at a minimum not be fined out the wazoo by state regulators?  Again, only rationale I can see is government and supposed private business collusion.  Prove me wrong At&T and have someone contact me in less than "48 hours" and resolve this ridiculous situation.






1 Message

7 years ago

Similar problems porting a landline to cell.  Tried for ~4 months to port ATT landline to Credo.  Finally decided that whatever problem they were having (ATT wasn't giving them much feedback, if any), I should at *least* be able to port from ATT landline to ATT cell.  


And they managed to screw that up.  For some unknown reason, "the landline department didn't respond to the port request" after 13 business days (they quoted me as it being complete in 7-10 days). I'm now sitting in "escalated" status, which probably means nothing, and have been 'promised' it'll be fixed by tomorrow.  I'll believe it when I see it. 


So what happened to the 2010 ruling (http://www.commlawblog.com/2010/05/articles/wireless-telephony/fcc-puts-new-time-limits-on-porting-phone-numbers/) which REQUIRED ports be complete within 1 day?  



1 Message

7 years ago

Amazingly enough this seems to be a common theme. My 80 year old mother switched from att to spectrum because after being with the them for a year they breached their side of the contract with her and upped her bill by 50 bucks. When she tried to resolve the bill, they refused to honor the contract and are now holding her number hostage. My father is a disabled vet of  hospice, and we have numerous medical staff coming to the house. Through this whole mess, we have missed numerous important phone calls including one to let him know his sister in law passed away. I believe this is almost criminal and something needs to be done to fix this. We still do not have the number ported and my poor mother does not need any more distress. I am not sure if may be we need to call the attorney generals office to file a complaint. I am mortified at this process. If anyone has a  umber of so eons who can resolve, please let me know.

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