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krcloutier's profile

New Member


7 Messages

Friday, July 15th, 2022 12:01 AM

email to test

So in the last few weeks when I send and email to text, ATT changes who it is from to random name starting with "Bounce". Anyone have an idea why and if you are having same issue?

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

2 years ago

That makes no sense and ATTHelp’s response makes even less sense. When you send a text from email to an ATT customer, they receive either the originating email as the sender for an MMS message or a randomly assigned 9 digit short code for an SMS message. If the receiver sees “bounce” or anything other than described above, it’s their phone making the change, not ATT. Perhaps they have a contact defined.

New Member


7 Messages

2 years ago

we send to several phones at a time and this is only happening to every ATT phone we send to, not Verizon, T-Mobile etc.

New Member


7 Messages

2 years ago

This is what it looks like

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 years ago

Thank you for the update, @krcloutier


Are you able to confirm if the AT&T recipient that you are sending email-to-text messages are actually receiving the messages? It could be that the AT&T users have emails-to-text blocked, and it's bouncing back to sender. Most of our customers use ActiveArmor and or have all email text messages blocked. If so, they will need to unblock email-to-text on their device.


Hope this helps!


Clarissa, AT&T Community Specialist

New Member


7 Messages

2 years ago

They are receiving the message, but that’s where it says it’s coming from.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 years ago

Thanks for your response, @krcloutier.


Please provide us with the make and model of your device so that we may provide more device specific support. You may also try resetting your device settings, then process another email. Once completed, confirm with us if your name is still showing up the same. 


We hope this helps, and we look forward to assisting further!


Lynn, AT&T Community Specialist

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 years ago

We are here to assist you with your email-to-text, @krcloutier.


When sending email-to-text, although it may not show your actual phone number when delivered to the recipient, it will show your name. 


You can compose a new message and enter an email address instead of a wireless number. You can also reply to a text, picture, or video message sent from an email address. We want to be sure you are sending your email-to-text in this form to prevent your messages from bouncing back. The recipient will see your email address as:

  • yourwirelessnumber@txt.att.net (text message)
  • yourwirelessnumber@mms.att.net (picture or video message)

Also, we can use some additional information. 

  • When did this start happening? This will give us a time frame on when you began to experience this. 
  • Does it happen to all AT&T users you are sending the email-to-text to or just some that you know of? This will help us determine if it's the recipient's device that is causing the email-to-text to show as described. 

We look forward to your response to help get to the bottom of this. 


Clarissa, AT&T Community Specialist 

New Member


7 Messages

2 years ago

The messages are being sent from yourwirelessnumber@mms.att.net format. Being sent to about 40 different phones. Only the phones with ATT carrier show as coming from bounce. Started 6-8 weeks ago.


ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

2 years ago

What do you mean sent from [email scrubbed]? That would be a destination address, not an originating address. The originating address should be the sending email address. If your email system is somehow changing the “from” address to something other than the actual sending email address, that probably explains why it’s getting changed. The mms gateway probably can’t handle that changed from field.


Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 years ago

Thank you for that information, @krcloutier. At this time, we would like to invite you into a private message, so we can continue working with you to resolve this snag in your email to text service. Please click the message icon in the upper right corner and reply!


In the meantime, please have you account information handy, so that we can continue this conversation privately.


We look forward to continuing to work with you to get your email to text service back to it proper working condition.


TT, AT&T Community Specialist

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