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2 Messages

Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 7:30 PM

Email-to-SMS not working

For the past 3-4 months I, along with other IT folks at my place of work, are not receiving our email-to-sms alerts sent from our mail server.  I have scoured the internet looking for answers, emailed abuse_rbl@abuse-att.net as well as mobilityabuse@att.com, and performed my own testing.  I have not received any response from either of the above emails.  My testing reveals that sending the email-to-sms from a GMail account works without issue, however sending from our business email does not.  I receive no bounce back or rejection email.  It is like the email is lost into the oblivion.  Our email-to-sms alerts have worked for 20 years and sometime late 2023 they stopped being received.  Verizon customers receive the email-to-sms alerts, as well as T-Mobile users.  I have seen several people in these forums with the exact same issue on AT&T but none have posted what their path to resolution was.  Lastly I have tested sending to both the @txt.att.net and @mms.att.net addresses, neither are received.

2 Messages

5 months ago

I thought I would give an update.  We contacted our external mail relay to find out if there were bounce backs, because we were not receiving any via email.  They found some.  AT&T is rejecting our emails.  Now that I have a rejection response I can send that over to abuse_rbl and hopefully get this resolved.  Below is an example of the bounce back:

PROCESSED|encode|plaintext|FROM:sender_email|TO:mobile_number@txt.att.net|SUBJECT:Alert: Server is Up|


to=<mobile_number@txt.att.net>, relay=att-e2xms-east.mx.a.cloudfilter.net[]:25023, delay=12, delays=11/0/0.47/0.94, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 <sender_email> sender rejected)


Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 months ago

Hi @shawkins80, we understand this is frustrating situation, and we're here to help get redirected to the channel for help. 


The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns.  To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact Us page (https://www.att.com/support/contact-us/) and choose the best option to reach out to us.  You can call, chat, or reach out via social media and we can review your specific issue and provide you support. If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help.


Please reach out to us here if you are in need of further help. 


Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forums.

Andrew, AT&T Community Specialist.

3 months ago

Hello @shawkins80  did you ever get this resolved with AT&T? .. I'm having the exact same issue you described.

2 Messages

2 months ago


I'm having the same issue. Is there any resolve for this?

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