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6 Messages

Friday, June 13th, 2014 2:33 PM

Group text message recipient limit

Please remove the group text message recipient limit you have in place.  Right now anyone on your network can only send a group text message to 10 people.  This makes it very difficult for those of us trying to communicate with little league teams, football teams, basketball teams, or any other groups of kids/parents to provide them with information quickly and effectively.  My friends on Verizon don't have issues with this using the same exact phone with the same exact settings.  I don't want to have to switch to Verizon because of this, but I am willing to if this can't be resolved quickly.  


Thanks for your help.



Former Employee


4.9K Messages

10 years ago

Hello, Jlakers1!


Thanks for posting. We appreciate your feedback. If there is anything you'd like to add, feel free to let me know via private message so I can forward your comments.


Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!





1 Message

10 years ago

so what is the answer? ive used blackberry for years to send group texts to 100 contacts but when i switched to ATT im limited to 10.......


this is ridiculous!



3 Messages

10 years ago

Agree this is crazy - I just switched from Verizon and it is driving me crazy - can we get a decent answer to this as to why?




1 Message

10 years ago

I agree... remove this limit ASAP



1 Message

10 years ago

Hi, to whom it may concern....


I recently switched over to AT&T as well and did not have this problem over at T-mobile.  Please send this up to the top as this is unacceptable.  Why are we advertising unlimited talk and text when in fact there is a 'LIMIT' to the number of people you can text in a group??  I have already called in to AT&T support and they said there's nothing they can do nor can they escalate this to someone who can do something about this.  This is seriously an oversight or shortcoming of AT&T's supposed great service.  Will be looking to switch to another carrier if there isn't someone who can actually try and do something about this rather than telling their customer, there's nothing they can do about it.





1 Message

10 years ago

Ditto.  I'm definitely switching to another carrier if AT&T doesn't fix this right away.




2 Messages

9 years ago

I would love to give some insight to this. I have a job where there is a group text to communicate different issues or other such things for work. I work with 15 people, so there is a group with 15 people, but I can only have a group of 10. So for whatever reason this comes through as 5-6 different group texts, sometimes what I type isn't received by everyone. I can't ever keep up with the group conversation because they come through all jumbled. Its incredibly frustrating, because no other carrier (even my other co-workers with iPhone on sprint or verizon) have this restriction on it.





1 Message

9 years ago

If someone could please reach out to me to fix this issue or at least explain it to me I would appreciate it.  I was contemplating switching to an iPhone because I thought this was an Android issue only to find out it really has to do with my carrier.  I thought AT&T was the premier wireless carrier!  I don't want to switch to Verizon but this is becoming a make it or break it issue that seems so simple to fix.

I just can't stand the multiple group texts that are meant to be one conversation and that I can't reply to any of them because then it creates a separate group text to all the other people on the chain and excludes others completely.



3 Messages

9 years ago

Please fix. I use texting to keep my baseball team informed of game and practice times. No other carrier has a limit of 10. Verizon sure doesn't. Just sayin'.



3 Messages

9 years ago

I am very frustrated about the 10 person limit  group messages. I work with a group of 13 people and it's been very frustrating trying to have a fluid flowing conversation . Since I can only text with 10 people I have 7 different conversations going and it's very difficult to keep up with conversations. It's very frustrating. My friends who are with Verizon don't seem to have this issue. AT&T needs to change this. PLEASE!!!!!!!

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