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1 Message

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018 9:29 PM

phone number spoofing

In the past few days I have been getting nasty voice mails from people I don't know who are claiming that they have been receiving several calls from my number and it looks my number has been spoofed. One guy even called me 18 times along with the voice mails.


Its very frustrating to see that your number has been used to spoof.


What can be done to fix this and also to prevent it.?






*I am an AT&T employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

6 years ago

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to fix or stop it. The only good news is the spoofers normally only use a number a short time and move on to another one.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

Don’t answer unless you know the caller.  Otherwise there isn’t a solution.  If you can’t help but answer, tell them your number is spoofed and you hope the scammer stops soon as it’s upsetting to get such nasty calls when you’re  a victim.  



5 Messages

6 years ago

yeah im getting these same calls, it's really irritating me, i get these 3 times a day. There could be a solution but at&t won't pass the info along to higher network admins so keep calling at&t and complain the will eventually see this as an issue.


and the worse part is it's at&t #'s they are spoofing

Former Employee


32.9K Messages

6 years ago

@Hom3gr0wndid you read the previous posts? all the complaining to at&t in the world wont do anything, it cant be avoided its all done on computers. and there is no solution. all carriers are having the same issue not just at&t



27 Messages

6 years ago


The biggest OFFENDER openly rents phone numbers for "neighborhood spoofing"  to TELEMARKETERS avoiding Do Not Call fines .




ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago


So report them to the FCC.  FCC is already fining 2 US companies $120 million.  If this company were doing so (IF) then the FCC will stop them.




27 Messages

6 years ago

Already have ,,, I AM working on it daily now, since my answering machine also includes instructions on call blocking MY number.



ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago


Spoofing or legitimately aquiring the numbers?  

If Bandwidth is selling available numbers, they can do so.   How the numbers are used by the end user is the issue.  If they are selling numbers in use, that’s not legal, but you have to prove it, or let the FCC investigate.  

About spoofed calls:   If I call back a spoofed number, I get the actual legit user on the phone.  This is because there is a computer ‘spoofing’ a number that does not belong to them.  

If a business acquires local, available numbers, that’s not spoofing and is legal.  Now if these numbers are used exclusively for robo calls, which are not legal per the TCPA, then the end user is in violation, but not Bandwidth.  

   It’s a complicated issue, or rather issues.   

Knowing my rights under the TCPA I figure to get passed the robo to a person, gather information and then I have options to file a suit or report to the FCC.    So far, no nibbles, they all hang up before I can find out who they are.  💩🤬






27 Messages

6 years ago

---- After a half year of ignorance, and unanswered filings (among the masses who file the same), the FCC has finally given me an inside link that works --- https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings/express


02-278 should be inserted in the first field, and then fill out the rest. 

This input will go directly to the  FCC team for communication/dissemination on this specific problem.

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