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Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 6:45 PM

SMS over WiFi issues continue

I’ve searched the vast similar issues reported here. My problem: SMS, MMS, and group texts frequently either, aren’t received ever, come in all at once in a dump and out of order, and when sending it’s either delayed significantly, or kicks back that the message was not sent and I have to attempt to resend it. This problem has occurred over the last 3 years using an iPhone SE 2016. I do not have this problem using iMessage. 

I am currently using an iPhone 12 mini on iOS 14.4.2 and this problem still exists. This has me rule out the device. I have tried several suggested methods including, restarting the device, resetting network settings, resetting all settings, factory resets, WiFi calling toggles, airplane mode with cell data off and WiFi on. These all work for a very short term to reestablish whatever happens behind the scenes at ATT but the problem recurs shortly thereafter, even if the device shows ....ATT - WiFi, confirming its on and connected as it should be

More background: this happens particularly when I’m in buildings with horrible cell coverage, at home where there is almost no cell coverage, or any area with little coverage but has strong WiFi available. NOTE, the WiFi signal and throughput is strong. 300Mbps down 30Mpbs up so this tells me it’s not the network connection. Webpages and any other apps requiring data load and work beautifully. SMS over WiFi doesn’t. It might help to note that my number was originally a Verizon number ported over to Cingular early to mid 2000s. Other contacts are on different carriers and using a mix of iPhone and android devices. 

But what I’ve stated above as attempts resolve this, leads me to believe it’s almost certainly some issue with, my line or ATTs network. 

I’m posting here because maybe there is something that I haven’t tried. I’m loyal to the service I’ve had otherwise with ATT, but since this phone is bought outright, I’m not tied to a contract so if this doesn’t get fixed I’m most likely going to try another carrier hoping the problem disappears. And maybe if there’s a solution that works, it can help someone else having the same problem.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

3 years ago

Hello @iPhoneyBologna,


We'd be more than happy to take a closer look into why you're experiencing this issue with receiving SMS and MMS text messages.


Would you kindly provide us with the zip code for the areas where this usually occurs, so that we can investigate this further?


Also, because you mentioned that there may be poor coverage in those areas, as well as access to a strong Wi-Fi connection, we recommend that you Stay connected with Wi-Fi Calling by following the steps at the link provided.


We hope this helps and look forward to hearing back from you soon!


Sean, AT&T Community Specialist

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3 years ago

11790 and 11738 are the primary areas I’m in. To be clear, I AM using WiFi calling and confirm I see ATT WiFi on my phone to confirm I’m connected and also confirm a strong WiFi connection with Speedtest. That’s where I get the dl/ul stats from. I’m not sure how to state it any clearer, my problem is SMS, MMS as well as group messages are unreliable over WiFi. I either don’t get the messages someone said they sent, or I receive a dump of messages at the end of the day when I’m connected to a cell signal. When I attempt to send messages over WiFi I get the dreaded green line at the top of iMessage as it’s attempting to send the messages. Moments later I get notification that the messages failed to send. Blue iMessages work fine. 

so really, my question to ATT is “what’s broken with SMS over WiFi on your network?” Is it my phone number? Is it my account? 

New Member


3 Messages

3 years ago

Same issue here. Exactly same issue. I live in an area where there is no cell service, so I rely on wifi calling for sms/mms. I never receive ALL messages, only some. Once I get back into cell service, then the texts and MMS come through. Again I can receive sms and mms using wifi calling, but not all come through.

I've tried all sorts of things, opened multiple tickets with at&t, got new sim cards, but still at&t fails to resolve this issue. 

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3 Messages

3 years ago

Also, I have a samsung galaxy note 20 ultra 5g

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3 years ago

@ATTHelp don't act completely oblivious as to this issue. You really need to go back and talk to your colleagues about the fact that this service is extremely spotty. Don't post a link to some how to guide when this is not a how to issue. It's a bug in your wifi calling feature of your phones. Figure it out!

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3 years ago

Thanks for your response Aplasser. Did you ever get a new phone number? I’m just curious because I remember coming across one post that mentioned that but I find that hard to believe to be the fix. I’ve also been told the past few days that some calls haven’t gone through. I’ll have to test that with my work phone on another carrier to attempt to learn if that fails when messaging is failing too. If that’s the case then you may be on to something about it being an issue with the WiFi calling feature all together and not just sms 

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3 years ago

I'm adding more here so it could possibly help someone in the future. I still have this problem. Yesterday I was informed I missed a few important phone calls. Not receiving texts, and I could confirm my phone showed AT&T Wi-Fi. I tried calling myself from my desk phone and sure enough, it rang and went to voicemail without my phone ever actually ringing on the receiving end. I also could not receive any authenticating MFA texts to accounts that rely on that security. I got on the chat with AT&T support where the usual Wi-Fi calling feature is reset and I have to reboot the phone. It worked for a while and sure enough, its not working again today. 

So what important here that I learned is its NOT just SMS/MMS, this problem also affects phone calls as well. This is obviously an issue with the way AT&T handles Wi-Fi Calling. This issue is such a problem for me I think I need to consider other providers.

A major competitor won the corporate contract for my organization and they built out an internal network of repeaters so I actually have a full signal at my desk. Also fortunately, when at home I have no Wi-Fi Calling issues with my work cell. 

I'll come back here and continue to update with anything new

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3 years ago

What I'm noticing is that when I'm having WiFi Calling issues, any SMS messages that were sent to me during that time are not received until I connect to a cell tower again. Even if I reset my phone and get Wifi calling working for the time being, I NEVER get those messages waiting to be received even though I get other new messages. It's almost as if there is a SMS queue somewhere that doesn't "care" about WiFi Calling but releases those SMS once my cell is connected to an ATT tower. 

So yeah, this seems to be the exact behavior you were describing Aplasser.


New Member


13 Messages

3 years ago

*bump*. Exact same issue here and it's been happening as far back as I can remember. Anyone have any positive troubleshooting with AT&T support about this?  Everything mentioned above is exactly the same.  I am in a big masonry/metal building with very little to zero cell service in the downtown area of a major metropolitan area.  WiFi Calling is on 24/7 and verified active.  When I get the message fail indicator, I walk over to a window and after one or two bars of cell connection, it sends.  


New Member


3 Messages

3 years ago

Does turning on airplane mode resolve this issue? I’ve found that I can get outgoing mms working again by turning on airplane mode while connected to WiFi. 

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