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2 Messages

Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 3:14 AM

Sporadically my texts not getting thru to tmobile recipient

My device - at&t provided Samsung 22+

Using Google messaging and do not have it marked to send sms/messages only. Messaging shows I am sending RCS message now. 

My texts are sometimes not getting to a tmobile customer. Scenarios seen...

- group text with 1 tmobile, 2 att customers. I send multiple texts in a row

 Tmobile cust gets some but not all of my txt.  Att custs get all of my texts.

- single text to att cust shows sent on my device but never received on tmobile phone. 

- call and talk to person, send test text and it goes thru fine

- couple days later I send 3 texts within couple minutes,  last one gets thru first two do not make it thru to tmobile cus. No one else on text.

- next day send two pictures and one row of text. Only first picture makes it thru to tmobile customer. 

Any idea what can cause some texts not to reach recipient even though shows as sent?

Accepted Solution

8 Messages

4 months ago

At least I hope I did! So I figured out that if you are currently using the Samsung messaging app that is the problem. I switched to the Google messaging app and I haven't had any problems yet. It's been 24 hrs! Try it out! Let me know!

Accepted Solution



2 Messages

4 months ago

My sister was told by tmobile that samsung is phasing out their old messaging app. For some reason the tmobile Samsung phones are having issues that I don't recall the details. Their guidance was for her to update to Google messaging on tmobile phone. So those who suggested this answer are on right path :) it worked for us. Now I can use either messaging app and tmobile phone sets my texts from att phone. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 months ago

We’re sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues with sending text messages. We're here to help you @eynow111.

Some possible reasons include:

SMS blocking service: If you have turned on SMS blocking service, it could be preventing your messages from being delivered.

Spam list: If you are sending an SMS to a number that is on your device’s spam list, your messages may not be delivered.

Third-party messaging app: If you are using a third party messaging app that is causing conflict with the phone’s default Messages app, it could be preventing your messages from being delivered.

Outdated software: If your cellphone device software is not updated, it could be causing issues with message delivery.

Hope this info helps.

Thank you for contacting AT&T Community & Forums,

Susan, AT&T Community Specialist

8 Messages

6 months ago

I'm having the same problem. I have been for months. From what I have gathered is, if the person you are texting has an android with t-mobile sometimes they don't get the messages from a person who has an att samsung/android. If it doesn't show as delivered on att customers end then the tmobile customer hasn't gotten it. It is VERY annoying and drives me crazy. I don't know what to do and I know if I go to a att store they won't know either. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 months ago

Hey @Faiello1, we hear you and want to help you with your Messages.

The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns.  To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our contact us page( AT&T Customer Service - Phone Numbers & Live Chat (att.com) ), and choose the best option to reach out to us.  You can call, chat, or reach out via social media and we can review your specific issue and provide you support.  If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help.


Thank you for visiting AT&T Community Forums!

KenK, AT&T Community Specialist 


1 Message

5 months ago

Has anyone found a solution or answer for this? I am a tmobile customer and my girlfriend is ATT. She gets all my texts but i only get some of hers. 

8 Messages

5 months ago

@ATTHelp it's definitely not account specific. Considering there are 3 different people with 3 different accounts on this thread having the same problem. 

8 Messages

5 months ago

@dascg not yet, sorry. I just try to make sure when I send messages to the people with T-Mobile that it has been delivered and if it hasn't been delivered then I just keep trying to send it over and over until it is. Maybe something will surface soon. It's been going on for a long time for me. I tell my friends if they text me and they don't get a reply to text me again because I probably tried to reply and it didn't go through

1 Message

5 months ago

I have the same problem, very annoying.

2 Messages

5 months ago

I too have the same issue. I've found turning on airplane mode and then off, it sometimes allows the next text to go through. Its very frustrating as both my mom and my girlfriend have T mobile and i have to monitor my texts closely to see if they were "delivered". The most frustrating part is that its sporadic. I can send one text and it'll be sent fine and then 10 seconds later send another one that they dont see.

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