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loucyr113's profile

7 Messages

Friday, June 14th, 2024 6:29 PM

Stuck in a loop

I am trying to get new traditional landline service and have called 1-800-288-2020, 1-866-5955, and lastly 1-800-772-3140 as I am 88 yrs old and just want a single landline so my emergency alert caller will work. I am low income and need Universal Lifeline service. I've been on the phone over an hour trying to talk to ANYONE, but I keep getting stuck in the same loop. "Hello, what do you need help with today? Is this in regards to a personal account or business? Are you looking to add service to an existing account?" Then I'm told I'm being connected, then calls may be recorded for quality or sales purposes, then the whole cycle starts all over again! How do I get out of the loop and talk to a human being? I have tried every selection available on multiple calls and still I get stuck in the same @#*%ing loop! HELP! WHAT DO I DO?

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

18 days ago

You can try the Contact Us link which is what ATTHelp will suggest, if they respond to your post. However, if are are referring to the old POTS system (copper wiring to the home) it could be that AT&T is not offering a new install to your location anymore because all of the carriers are moving away from the traditional land line in favor of a VOIP service, which would require internet at your location.

7 Messages

18 days ago

I know that ATT does have hardlines in my apartment building as they put them in when the place was built in 1980 and others here (low income senior apartments) do have traditional landline, universal lifeline service. I have my internet on ATT fiber, but not an ATT customer (Earthlink). My emergency alert system uses the landline to call 911 for me if I am unable to do so myself - do you know if this type of thing works with VOIP?

Anyhow, outside of the logistics, I don't understand why I can't speak to someone? How do I get out of the loop of connecting me from one department to another? Plus, the Disabled and Aging number is supposed to be different; however, it's the same bullsh%t as the other "customer service" numbers. I would have expected better from that department... Why even offer different numbers when they all go to the same system? 

7 Messages

18 days ago

PLUS, I want to keep the number I've had for 50+ years and I've canceled my service with my previous provider (Xfinity)

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

18 days ago

@loucyr113  Did you try the link I posted? That may put you in contact with a Support person who can answer your questions.

Usually one transfers their existing phone number from one provider to another provider BEFORE cancelling service. If the Earthlink cellular service you have now is using your old 50+ phone number, then you can transfer that to AT&T VOIP because you have AT&T fiber. But to transfer the Earthlink number to an AT&T landline (again, a POTS copper line) is probably not going to happen because I don't think AT&T is offering new POTS lines anymore. 

7 Messages

18 days ago

I DID try the link and got nowhere. My old number was with Xfinity - I tried switching numbers before canceling service but the ATT agent was unable to do so and advised me to cancel service and call back afterwards which is why I have been trying to get through to no avail today. My old lineline was not VOIP as it was not connected to my modem but through the wall jack. If they are not offering new hook-ups, then why not tell me so? Why lead me on and advise me to call back after canceling my old service?

7 Messages

18 days ago


7 Messages

18 days ago

I have internet only with Earthlink

7 Messages

18 days ago

Have you clicked on the contact link you provided? 

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

18 days ago

@loucyr113  Yes, I just clicked on the link and it takes me to the contact page for the various services that AT&T provides.

You just posted above that you have your internet on AT&T fiber ( I have my internet on ATT fiber) but you're not an AT&T customer because you have Earthlink. I assumed you had Earthlink as your cellular service and AT&T fiber as your internet. Your posts are confusing.

If Earthlink is your internet provider, do you then have DSL as the connection (as opposed to cable or fiber)? If so, that typically comes thru on the old copper lines and you may already have landline (POTS) service. How do you make phone calls, with a cell phone or table/wall type phone?

If I am understanding this correctly, which is an assumption on my part, is that AT&T fiber is available in your complex but you are currently using Earthlink for your internet service. But I'm not clear on what you are using for phone service. I'm not sure where Xfinity comes in either. 

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