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ewbankmp's profile

2 Messages

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 3:24 PM

Why Can't I Get Service

I called in February to have my home phone service turned back on (turned it off about 9 months ago).  I was told I could have the same number and it would be hooked up and activated on Tuesday (2/13).  It was never turned on or activated.  I called a few days later to find out why it was still not active, and spent nearly 2 1/2 hours on the phone being transferred from one agent to another to another to another, until finally the last guy told me his supervisor would call me before the end of the day.  Nobody ever called me.  A few weeks later I get a bill in the mail for service I never even received; my phone line was never activated.  I called and spent another hour on the phone trying to get the bill deleted and the "account", that doesn't even exist, cancelled.  After that, I called back up and again asked for home phone service.  I was given another confirmation # and this time a different phone number.  I was told it would be on and active by Thursday (this was on a Monday I believe).  Well, Thursday comes and goes, and still no service.  That was two weeks ago and the phone line is still not active.  I am sure I will be receiving a bill for that non-existent line also in a week or two.  Anyway, WHY IS THIS SO HARD??  I just want a home phone line.  Is this not what you do for a living?  I am so confused.  I have tried more times than I can count to talk to a supervisor or manager, but apparently they do not exist at AT&T.  HELP!!



19.7K Messages

4 months ago

If you're not getting the service you need through normal channels, file an FCC complaint. Those go to the office of the president and are assigned to senior staff to try to resolve. 

2 Messages

4 months ago

Thank you.  I think I will do that. 

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