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5 Messages

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 6:00 AM

AT&T Has Made a Complete Mess of a Very Simple Warranty Replacement & I'm at My Wit's End. Help!

My phone starting acting up. A few different things going on with it, but the biggest problem is a battery issue. Phone is still under warranty. Waited forever for a AT&T chat agent then explained my phones problems and asked for a new battery (purposely bought a phone that still has removable battery for easy replacement). Chat agent was very nice but said they could only replace the whole phone, not just the battery. It took 10 days for my phone to get here. There was no record of my package or tracking information for well over a week after they sent me the tracking number. Couldn't believe it wasn't shipped Priority. AT&T has always shipped all my devices Priority whether it was a new purchase or warranty replacement. I was getting warning texts from AT&T that time was almost up for returning my old device when the new device hadn't even arrived yet. I had to call about that and wait on hold forever to make sure I wouldn't get charged for the old device. I also called and waited once during this time trying to figure out where the heck my new phone was and no one seemed to know. I finally get and open the package and they sent me a replacement phone without a battery or back presumably because they expected me to use the ones off my original device, but the battery is the main thing I needed replaced. Got back on the computer. Waited forever for an available chat agent again. Finally got a woman that seemed wonderful and who promised to take full responsibility for the problem and to get it all straightened out.


She wanted me to send back the phone they just sent me and to use the return label and everything that came with it that was supposed to be for returning my old device. I did that a few days later. She also said she was sending a new device ASAP with a battery. She apologized many times. She was very nice the whole time as was I. I was completely exhausted from the literal hours I had put into getting a properly functioning phone from AT&T, but satisfied that it was finally all settled. After closing out my chat I panicked a little because I realized I forgot to email myself a record of the conversation which I normally always do, but naively thought I shouldn't stress too much because this lady really seemed to be on top of things. Well, that was about 2 weeks ago. Still no phone, no record of another phone being sent to me, nothing. Spent 2 more hours waiting and then chatting with AT&T being transferred around and passed off and answering the same questions over and over and over again. I was pretty much begging people to just please take 2 minutes and go read the chat records and then come back and help me. Finally the last chat agent said he was going to have someone that could actually get something done call me and to please hold on. I waited in the chat until a rep called me and told me to close out the chat. He then put me on hold because he was going to do some sort of conference call with someone and he was going to get them on the line. Of course I got disconnected somewhere in that process. Never got a call back. Never received any correspondence of any kind from AT&T except for today when I got an email saying my old device had been received except that it's not the old device at all. It is the new device they sent me without a battery.


My phone is still having battery problems and now it likes to just shut itself whenever it feels like it. I have no new phone and battery coming to me. I have literally about 8 HOURS of my time invested in this mess AT&T has made. I cannot bring myself to call back or chat with AT&T and go over all this again only to be placed on hold and transferred around for hours. I need someone who can actually help me without having to go through 10 people first to get to them. I am beyond swamped with work and mom duties right now and just don't have that kind of time. I think AT&T owes me for 8 hours of labor at this point, but I have a feeling I'll be lucky if I ever even receive a replacement device with a battery much less a credit for my pain and suffering, LOL. We have been wireless customers for many years and landline and/or internet customers for many, many years before that. If you actually read all this, bless you. And if you can offer any help I would be unbelievably grateful.


ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

While it doesn’t say so here, battery and back are removed on such phones and not sent.  


It does say shipping may take 6 days unless you pay for priority.  

You would have to check the original manufacturer warranty, but typically the battery is not under warranty on phones with removable batteries. If the battery is failing, buy a replacement off eBay.   Since there are few phones in the past 4 years with replaceable batteries, the phones are cheaper ones off prepaid and the manufacturer doesn’t cover battery, or does, but for a limited time.  


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