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MichiganJ's profile

4 Messages

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 2:28 AM


Denied outage in michigan by att

Customer service is denying the outage in southeast Michigan, probably so they do have to pay lack of service penalty

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

9 days ago

If an agent denies an outage that is shown on their outage map, then the agent isn't bothering to look up info. Nothing to do with avoiding penalties as you imply, just a bad agent.

4 Messages

6 days ago


ATT executives contacted...

FCC contacted...

News contacted...

Only response is by imbecile forum (Edited per community guidelines) trying to maintain fake status by posting asinine responses...


4 Messages

6 days ago

Customer service doesn't want to be bothered apparently...

Former Employee


2.8K Messages

6 days ago

This is a customer based forum, not a way to reach AT&T. You acting like a child throwing a tantrum isn’t going to get you anywhere. 

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

6 days ago

What are you wanting customer service to do? You (and AT&T) already know there’s an outage; why does it matter if customer service knows?

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

6 days ago


Stop right there with the insults and try to be a mature adult. You've been given honest and realistic responses about the situation. Throwing a tantrum doesn't change reality. So per the forum guidelines post politely in future discussions.

And asking if there is anything else they can assist you with is not upselling. That is the equivalent of DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS? Read what is actually there, not what you want it to be.


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