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6 Messages

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 8:03 PM

Dumbest Retail AT&T Store EVER (PBG) Florida

Went in there April 1st (ironic), to purchase a Type C usb for my Nokia Lumia 950, only for two of their staffers to not even know what one was. Both questioned me WHERE I got my phone. I told them both (yes that's twice) that I bought it at the store I was now standing in, not much more than 6 months ago. They said they didn't have this Type C, asking me if it was a rapid charger? Really? My 13 year old explained to them what it was, though I don't think they understood.


After questioning me about that, and doubting that my phone didn't come with a non-universal charger, I was told that, 'this is why we don't carry that phone anymore.' The fool that said this was standing in front of a approx. 4' x 6' poster of the Lumia 950, and the entire display rack of Windows Phones. I told him to turn around. How sad is THAT?


One guy took off to the back room, another called for additional support. It was really pathetic. We are talking about a standard Type C to A usb cord. But it gets better. When the guy from the back room returned, he was pretty much dumbfounded that I was correct, exclaiming that he thought he was going to 'prove me' wrong! However, he found out that all my phone had included at the time of purchase was the car charger, and that yes, I still needed a usb, so I could charge it when I was mobile. 


Gets even better. So then the fool tells me that Windows is in violation of the GOVERNMENT! That all chargers should be universal and that there should be a lawsuit! What if I was in a safe room and only had an apple charger? Oh my! Okay, so no cord? 


My 7th grade son and I hopped in the car and drove ACROSS the STREET to Best Buy and plucked our Type C cord off the shelf from the front of the store. Why we didn't go there first was our mistake. Why the guys at AT&T at the Gardens Mall didn't know they even were still selling the Lumia 950 phone, let alone what charger it takes is just so so pathetic. We almost went back to the mall to show it to them, but figured it might be too over their head.


So done with that store. Won't buy another thing there, at least not from the dunderheads that worked there last night. 




ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

Not defending them, but only a few phones use type C.  I have one, a Nexus 6p.  I ordered my spare cable from Amazon.






3.5K Messages

8 years ago

Nothing can excuse this lack of knowledge but to be honest not knowning anything about Windows Phone is understandble because platforms without any real market presence are sometimes overlooked. Especailly when that platform is a soon to be dead one. USB Type C is used in a fraction of devices. LG G5 and 950 are the only AT&T devices I can think of right now that use it. Maybe now that a real mainstream device with some actual users is out people will be more aware of it.



6 Messages

8 years ago

Although the Windows Lumia is quite low in the US market, AT&T has been selling it long enough that they should be familiar with the product on their own shelves. The Type-C cord isn't an anomoly, nor as you mark used on a fraction of devices. Try Alienware, Apple and Lenovo for starters. All are very relevent in the PC and wireless industry and have rolled out their latest products with the C-Cord. In fact, it's so common that the Tech UnSavvy Walmart even offers the cord. It's readily available at many other places, just not where you purchase the 950 Lumia....the AT&T Store. Staffers in your store not even knowing they SELL THE PHONE is even more alarming than having no knowledge of the Type-C plug itself. Having greater than 6 months shelf time to sell the product, a consumer would think that a sales rep would know that what kind of car charger is included in the box. Afterall, we are talking about an item that retails for nearly $600 dollars. It would be nice to know that there is 'some' product knowlege. The girl at the department store makeup counter has more products and ingredients to remember than they do. It's not about what is going to be dead soon, it's about what you are selling the customers right NOW when they are in your store. I recently purchased this phone and have an expectation that AT&T knows something about what they are selling. The cord isn't 'new' although it is gaining more mainstream popularity. Not so strange now that Microsoft won't let AT&T get its hands on the Nokia Lumia 950XL, is it....


[Please keep it courteous]



6 Messages

8 years ago

They didn't even know they were still selling the phone.........

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

I see your point, but the type-c is only 1 year old.  I don't think it was intoduced on a cell phone until the 950 and 6p.  The number of cellular devices sold by ATT that use type-c is one (1).  ATT doesn't sell MacBook or many of the other devices that use the type-c.  


While it might be nice if the employees spent their off hours, or even on the clock down hours, learning every nuance of each device, they didn't know about the type-c cable.   Perhaps lack of training, lack of initiative or lack of interest.  Expecting them to know everything about the computer and wireless industry is asking a bit much.  


I was in an ATT store Friday, looked at all the phones, tablets and gadgets. The only Windows phones was a low budget Lumia phone that are still using the universal android cable.  I didn't even spot the 950.   







3.5K Messages

8 years ago

The 950XL isn't carried because Windows Phone is a dying platform.  While I agree the lack of knowledge on the charger is something reps should know but retail reps are sales people, not tech support. A tech at a DSC would not have overlooked this. 


There were a lot of plans for the 950 line...until it launched as a half baked product. Windows Mobile 10 might as well be the next Zune or Kin. I'd say not selling the 950XL is a mercy for prospective buyers so they don't get stuck with an OS that lacks application support and any effort from the manufacturer. Windows on phones was Ballmer's pet and the new regime at MS has hinted that WP is not the future for them. When major retailers, banks and other entities cease to develop for your platform that is not a good thing. 



6 Messages

8 years ago

It's basic product knowledge to know if a phone includes a car charger or it doesn't. One doesn't have to spend overtime or 'downtime' as you specify to learn about the type of cord a 600-dollar product takes. The Type C cord has been around much longer than a year. It is in NO WAY TRUE that AT&T is by choice not carrying the Lumia 950XL nor because it is nearly dead. Microsoft has gone exclusive from it's initial launch.


Funny that the job description (according to AT&T's website) for the sales people describes their 49-55k annual retail sales job as one filled with tecnological innovation, cutting edge technology. For further reading try (connect.att.jobs) These aren't a bunch a fellas sitting around making minimum wage, while we shell out hundreds of dollars for our fancy cell phones. The type of cord the phone comes with is not a nuance, it's probably one of the most important things about the phone. Aside from the phone itself, the power supply is the most valuable accessory you are going to need in order to continue using it. The type of cord is extremely important.


It's easy to understand that many people who do not work in this industry would be unfamiliar with it until it becomes more mainstream, however it is widespread across the tech industry and has been around for about THREE years. As with the microwave oven, that too was around long before many people had it, but people who sold it should have understood what they were selling when it was on their shevles. Ignorance is no excuse for those who are the retailers.


A retailer should know as much as possible about an item they are selling. The responses here that keep referring to this 'dead' product are not excuses for lack of product knowledge. As I mentioned in my first post, there's a 4' x 6' poster of my phone on the wall. Take it down if you don't care to deal with it. There should at least be some decency to respectfully handle customers you already sold the phone to when they return for accessories for it. Questioning where they bought it (because they don't recognize it), Telling me they don't carry it (No words for that), and then telling me they had planned to prove me wrong? That's just disrespectful. When I purchase a phone I should be able to return to the retailer and ask for an accessory without a big 'shake down'. Them not knowing about the cord did not need to turn into a story about a government lawsuit again Microsoft or an attempt to prove the customer wrong and tell them that was their goal. I mean, seriously? The behavior of the salespeople in that store can not simply hide behind the current failing market share of the phone. It's clear that they never had the product knowledge to begin with. Knowing about this silly cord isn't any big tech talk news. Geesh. But go ahead and continue to defend them if it makes you feel good. Go in that store and let those guys sell you your next phone. If they are only going to sell the phones they are interested in learning about, then good luck to you. I'll buy online from now on and continue to do my own research.





198 Messages

8 years ago

I am not too worried about the type C cable they didn't know about.



That they started making things up is much more worrisome, specially considering they were dealing with an informed customer.



Unfortunately, entirely inline with my expectations based on my own experience, and the often reported dishonesty of AT&T employees in the many threads here.



I look at AT&T as a dumb data pipe, it helps.


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