Our Community Forums will be closing on June 27, 2024. Please visit att.com/support for all your support needs.
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OttoPylot's profile
ACE - Expert

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

Monday, June 24th, 2024 4:03 PM

Good Bye and Farewell AT&T Forums

This has been an interesting 13 years or so being an ACE and helping out where I can. First with the MicroCell, then the Cell Booster, and eventually into other areas. I've made some really good ACE friends and have learned a lot from them (including tolerance and patience), along with some good customer friends as well, and of course, some not too happy customers. I sincerely believe that most of the CS Agents really do want to help the customers, but they are hampered by poor training, poor management, and do not get the continual support and training that they need to adequately help customers. That falls directly on AT&T Senior Management.


It is my sincerest hope that AT&T has learned something from these public forums and that the new Support system that will replace us is up to the task, and not just a fresh face masking the same old issues.


Best of luck to the AT&T Community with the updated Support system after June 27th. I hope it goes well for you all.


AT&T Cell Booster Technical Guide by OttoPylot

Cellular Booster Guide by OttoPylot

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not an AT&T employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 days ago

Probably the biggest disservice is the discontinuation of access to the two documents which you wrote for free giving AT&T customer's access to understand both the microcell, and a cellular booster. 

Maybe you can find some other medium to publish those documents. I don't know if something that lengthy can be linked through for reddit access.  I post photos through imgr.  

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

8 days ago

@formerlyknownas  I am a little sad that both (actually all three if you count the cellular booster guide) are not going to be accessible anymore. A lot of time and research went into those documents as well as a considerable amount of contributions from other members, so they were truly community efforts (at least the femtocell ones). It will be interesting to see what happens to them. I haven't quite decided yet if I'm going to jump into AT&T on Reddit. And if I do, how productive that would actually be.

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

8 days ago

I can only concur with these statements. Enjoyed helping others where I could. I do believe most of the CS reps (phone and forum) do want to help, but a big constraint is the nature of call centers focuses heavily on metrics; such as Average Call/Handle Time (ACT/AHT). And their restriction to scripts. Some times a problem can be narrowed down quicker by what the customer has already done, or key questions asked, but the reps always had to follow troubleshooting flow and questions to a T. Any deviation and they get marked down.

Whatever "fresh face" this new support gets, I hope it starts to improve the overall relationship (metaphorically speaking) between AT&T and their customers. I may paw around on other avenues of support, but we shall see how that goes. This will be a change in an era. Will be interesting days ahead.

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

8 days ago

It's been a fun time.  Take care y'all!

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

7 days ago

Man this stinks but time are a changing and customer service is horrible so lets make it worse is the party line

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