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Friday, February 27th, 2015 10:16 PM

How To Activate Your Windows Phone

Congratulations on your new Windows Phone! Activating service and setting up your new phone is really easy, and it will be ready to use in no time! First, we’ll get your new SIM card up and running on your line, and then we’ll go through the initial device setup.


  1. Activate Service
    • Head to com/activations and choose the activation type that best suits. You will then be asked to enter validation information for your order. Submit to begin activation.


  1. Allow five minutes
    • If the device is already powered on, please power off. With the device off, allow five minutes for service activation to complete.
    • Note: This is the step most people miss Smiley Happy


  1. Initial Setup
    • We’ll start by choosing the device language. This will affect both the remaining setup options, and all text shown on the device upon completion.


  1. Connection Options
    • The device will scan for in-range WiFi networks. Tap and choose your WiFi network, and enter your password to connect. You can then choose if you would like to use Wi-Fi Sense, a feature which will auto-connect to Wi-Fi networks and hotspots.


  1. Device Settings
    • Now we’re going to choose the Recommended option for the phone settings, which will ensure you get the most from your device. Power users may wish to use custom settings to tailor to their needs. You will also be asked to set your time zone.


  1. Account Setup
    • Setting up a Microsoft account is essential for the use of the Windows store for installing apps, as well as syncing your information. You can choose to create a new account, or sign into an existing one.


  1. Preferences
    • Almost done, we now choose our marketing preferences, and if we would like our information to be automatically backed up to our Microsoft account. We can also enable Cortana, a personal assistant which can help with many tasks such as searching or reminders.


  1. Enjoy
    • And that’s it! Your device is all set up and ready to rock!


Now that your device is activated and fully configured, go ahead and test your calling and other services! Enjoy your new Windows Phone and thanks for being the best part of AT&T.


Enjoy your device!



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*I am an AT&T employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.

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