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1 Message

Monday, April 22nd, 2019 5:15 AM

My phone downloads images on its own?

To preface:

I pay for lookout security premium. I have gone through all my files. Nothing is sketchy. Nothing is unusual. I've run at least 10 diagnostics on my phone amd restarted it 20+ times. This has been going on for months. (I have an LG G6)



My phone downloads up to 450 images that are absolutely not connected to me. Usually its a copy of every single Facebook sticker from 4 or 5 different packs along with a series of Screengrabs from my recorded videos and incomplete files labled "decors" or image files of my notes. These images are saved to NO album and sit in their own individual album. This has happened at least four times. I delete them as soon as they appear. But this isnt a messenger issue, I cant find anyone else who's had this issue online. 


Does anyone have any idea what the heck the issue is here?

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