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22 Messages

Saturday, August 9th, 2014 5:36 PM

Slow LTE speeds with HTC M8 (Los Angeles)

I just switched from a Nexus 4 to an M8.  I was seeing 20+MB down with the N4, but now I'm only getting 5MB down with the M8.  I don't know if this is coincidental, or something to do with the radio on M8 (I'm presently on the 2.22.401.4 firmware).  Is anyone else experiencing this?



1.9K Messages

10 years ago

@bwp73 - How odd! What indicator are you seeing on the M8, 4G or 4G LTE? It might be that you will need to have the SIM provisioned to utilize LTE speeds. The Nexus 4 is a HSPA+ device, so it cannot utilize LTE. 🙂



22 Messages

10 years ago

I'm seeing LTE light up right away when I switch from Wi-Fi, and LTE is listed as the network. As for the Nexus 4, you're right that it isn't LTE by default, but I was able to achieve 4G, by flashing a compatible radio and making the necessary edits in build.prop. And I was seeing close to 25MB down (even faster than what I had been getting with T-Mobile).


When I switched to the M8, because it takes a nano SIM (the N4 is micro), I had to go to an AT&T store to get it activated.  I didn't really pay attention if the speeds were the same at first before I upgraded firmware, so it's hard to tell if that's a factor.  I'll have to go back and see if it's a provisioning issue, I guess. 



1.9K Messages

10 years ago

Definitely, look into that! It could be a provisioning issue, or it can be the way the antenna is placed in the device. You can also try resetting the network settings on your device if that option is available!



22 Messages

10 years ago

Just returned from an AT&T corporate store which was an exercise in futility. First, the rep claimed I needed a micro SIM, not the nano SIM that was installed, which worked and, oh yes, fit the tray. He also didn't know what rooted was, but I'll let him slide on that. He then saidi had the wrong type of nano SIM, that I needed one especially meant for Android devices (?). He put that in and, of course, it made no difference at all.



1.9K Messages

10 years ago

@bwp73 - There isn't such a thing as an exclusive SIM card for a phone lol. =P However, what I would try to do if the issue persists is try to reset the network settings on the phone, or perform a master reset (which would erase everything so please back up all your data!!!) and see if that helps!



22 Messages

10 years ago



I still can't get over 5Mb down with LTE enabled.  If I enable just HSPA+, I can get up 18Mb.  Using the LTE Discovery app from the Play Store, LTE on my phone uses either Band 17 (700mhz up/dl) or Band 4 (2100mhz/up, 1700mhz/dl).  The model ID is 0P6B12000 and the original CID was BS_US001, which I would think would perfectly compatible with AT&T.  I would call CS, but there's just so much ignorance, so it's pretty much a waste of time. So still hoping someone has an aswer.

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