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Steve1584's profile



1 Message

Sunday, October 19th, 2014 3:15 PM

Unite Pro and Xbox One Strict NAT

Hello everyone! I hope somebody can help me on this.  I'm trying to get an open NAT on my Xbox One.  I'd settle for a moderate NAT at this point.  I've tried opening my ports, putting the console in the DMZ. When I assign a static ip on the console and view it on the Unite Pro set up page, it shows the MAC address and the ip as  When I allow the Unite to assign it an ip, it will show the console name and the assigned ip.  I've forwarded ports using both the static and dynamic ip addresses and still I get a strict NAT.  I have 2 Xbox 360 consoles and I get an open NAT with those and my connection is great for gaming.  I only run 1 console at a time.  Any help would be appreciated.  I live out in the sticks and this is my best option for online gaming.  Thanks!



2 Messages

10 years ago

I subscribed to this as I am trying to figure out something very similar.  I'm using my iphone as a hot spot, connecting my laptop , and then network cable to xbox one.  I am getting strict NAT when this setup on xbox 360 got open NAT all the time.  I was interested in purchasing a UNITE since it seemed to have router like features like port forwarding and DMZ.  Needess to say good luck!



2 Messages

10 years ago

Had any luck on this?



3 Messages

10 years ago

After talking it over with Att, the first step to do is make your hotspot name as simple as possible(As in calling it hotspot), next remove the password for the hotspot connection. These first two steps should give you a moderate connection.



3 Messages

10 years ago

If you want a fully open connection, you must change your account from a personal wireless connection to a business account and inform Att that you need certain ports open(all the required Xbox one ports required) for a video conference to be capable for your business use. worked for me and I haven't had a single problem since. Tried adding a password to hotspot after and it reduced back down to moderate. These issues are mainly because of the crazy security of windows 8 that the Xbox operating system is based... Needless to say good luck and I hope this helps!



1 Message

10 years ago

Do they charge extra to switch to a business account?



3 Messages

10 years ago

One more thing I left out. To obtain a business account you have to have 5-30 lines, a service fee of $3 more a month. This allows you to obtain a static IP address and open the ports.



4 Messages

9 years ago

Due to the Title II reform and Network Neutrality rules  AT&T can not charge for a static IP.


141. Consumer Protection. The no-unreasonable interference/disadvantage standard is

intended to serve as a strong consumer protection standard. It prohibits broadband providers from employing any deceptive or unfair practice that will unreasonably interfere with or disadvantage end-user consumers’ ability to select, access, or use broadband services, applications, or content, so long as the services are lawful, subject to the exception for reasonable network management. For example, unfair or deceptive billing practices, as well as practices that fail to protect the confidentiality of end users’proprietary information, will be unlawful if they unreasonably interfere with or disadvantage end-user

consumers’ ability to select, access, or use broadband services, applications, or content, so long as are lawful, subject to the exception for reasonable network management. While each individual case will be evaluated on its own merits, this rule is intended to include protection against fraudulent practices such as “cramming” and “slamming” that have long been viewed as unfair and disadvantageous to consumer.





15 Messages

7 years ago

Did taking the password off of the hotspot work for making it a moderate on a personal account?
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