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8 Messages

Monday, February 26th, 2018 4:45 AM

Unlimited Plus Plan HotSpot Data Usage When Uploading or Using PC to Watch 480p Video

I have a couple of questions about the data usage when using the hotspot function of my smartphone.  I know I get 22GB of data to use before it slows down but:


Is my data used when uploading anything such as video?


Is my data used if I'm using my phone as a hotspot for my PC and watching 480p videos on sites such as Youtube through the stream saver?

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232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Good afternoon @KingPoponLockin,

I see you have some questions about your mobile hotspot and stream saver. 

Any video you upload while using your mobile hotspot will count against the 22 GB.  Watching or streaming shows in 480p will not count against this threshold.

I hope this answers your question and please have a pleasant weekend.

Anthony, AT&T Community Specialist



8 Messages

6 years ago

Can I get an answer to my question please? 60 and no anserws...

New Member


25.7K Messages

6 years ago

Any internet access is data used, also this is a voluntary customer to customer forum, getting upset at people not getting paid to do this doesn't encourage them to help you. 



8 Messages

6 years ago

Please read my question. If I'm using my phone as a hotspot them then obviously I'm not using DSL... I'm using the 4G LTE internet through my mobile Android phone.


Also I'm asking about how my data is being used, data pertains to my data plan therefore I'm in the correct part of the forums.


There are times when you aren't using data.  When using the direct tv app for instance.  When watching video that is 480p resolution or lower, that's the "stream saver" service they provide.  But that's when watching it on my phone using my 4G data. 


I want to know if stream saver works when using hotspot data because they are not clear about that.


I'll be ignoring your part since you have shown to me that you do not have any idea what you are talking about.



8 Messages

6 years ago

No, you do not use data every time you use the internet.  Stream saver lets you watch 480p video without using data and if you have direct tv you can use their apps without using data.  So, no what you said is incorrect.

New Member


25.7K Messages

6 years ago





Stream saver does use data, just uses less of it. Look under the section how much more video can I watch using stream saver. It clearly states you use data. You want answers but are claiming correct information given to you is wrong. Can't help you if you won't listen or do research before throwing out what somebody tells you. You can claim I don't know what I'm talking about, but I just gave you evidence, so you being rude about it doesn't put you in the best of light. DirecTVnd directvnow are about the only useful exceptions. 

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

6 years ago

Stream saver does not prevent you from using data. Stream saver simply streams the video at a lower resolution so that it uses less data but it still uses data. Anything you do through your phone’s cellular data connection, whether uploading, downloading or hotspot, uses data. You are limited to 10GB of hotspot each bill cycle and any hotspot usage does count against the 22GB threshold. In other words, when you use your phone as a hotspot to watch videos on your pc, you are using data and that data does count against the 22GB. Just to be accurate, anything you stream through the Directv app uses data too, it just doesn’t count against your data plan or against the 22GB threshold for possible slowdown.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

@ATTHelp wrote:

@Good afternoon @KingPoponLockin,

I see you have some questions about your mobile hotspot and stream saver. 

Any video you upload while using your mobile hotspot will count against the 22 GB.  Watching or streaming shows in 480p will not count against this threshold.

PARDON!?!?   This is not in agreement with the FAQ.  Stream saver reduces how much data is used.  Whatever is used still counts toward the 22 gig threshold.  

I hope this answers your question and please have a pleasant weekend.

Anthony, AT&T Community Specialist



1 Attachment

New Member


25.7K Messages

6 years ago

@ATTCaresthat does not line up at all with what at&t has all over their website. 

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