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1 Message

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 3:50 PM

Warranty Phone sent back with charge on account

My husbands phone started ringing for a phone call. He picked it up and the screen went black, flickered, and then stayed black. The notification sounds continued.

We went to our local ATT corp store and it was inspected and notated pm the account that thw phone had no physical or liquid damage. I used to work for ATT and have myself inspected hundreds if not thousands of phones for damage. We sent the phone in once the replacement and box arrived. I added extra packaging of newspaper to keep ot snug, as the phone sleeve they sent left the phone exposed to slamming into the aide of the box.

A few weeks later we recieve the phone back with a letter stating we get to keep both phones and that they've added $516 to our account.

So, here is the problem. The phone has no damage. The spot they marked is underneath the screen, and I want to argue that it wasn't there before we sent it, or since it's inside the phone it is too difficult to be seen. We had to take a flashlight and hold it at an angle to even see what looks like half of an eyelash hair laying under the glass of the screen. That is a defect, clearly. It's not a crack. It doesnt go up through the glass.

Here is the other problem the original phone is insured and had a deductable of a little over $100. I would have gladly paid that instead. The rep at the store said to do a warranty replacement.

Also, the phone itself has around $200 left until pay off. I could have done an insurance claim and paid off the phone for less than what's being charged.

There was no notice that they were sending the original phone back. We could have immediately sent them the warranty replacement if they had notified us. Yes, we would have been without a phone for a bit but I'll take that over what has transipred.

Next, I went back to the store. The retail sales consultant and his manager said they would have accepted it as a warranty device. So, the manager said she would credit my account but the amount was higher than her limit. So, I was told that she would reach out to her regional manager for the credit. I then attempted to reach anyone for almost 3 weeks. I was given the run around. Oh, so and so will call you when he's back on vacation. Oh the manager had to just work in California due to the strike (we're in Florida). No one called me back. No one made any progress.

Finally I got the rep to text me back and he said the credit was denied. I went into the store and the rep refused to come out and work with us. Someone else called warranty for us. They said it was damage, I disagree because it is a defect. It's INSIDE the phone.

Our service has been shut off due to the charge.

So, I left a message with the district manager. I have no way to call or text her or the store. I keep having to drive a long ways to just get to talk to ATT, with a newborn I might add.

I'm going to call Samsung. Try to reach the district manager. And plan on documenting the entire experience. I honestly feel awful for ever recommending that my customers get a warranty phone replacement as I've read too many other stories too much like mine.

I haven't even really touched on the negative customer service received from the store, and warranty department.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago

Hi @ChalkHard,


Thank you for bringing this to our attention!  We definitely want to make sure you receive the right expectations with the warranty claim. I would love to check further into this.  


So we can discuss this in depth, I will be sending a private message to your Forum’s Inbox. This way we will be able to we can investigate this together and get it resolved.


I look forward to working with you!


Vanessa, AT&T Community Specialist



1 Message

6 years ago

I’m getting almost the same runaround and my phone was sent back in worse shape than when I mailed it in. I can no longer put a sim tray in because something is in there, looks like a screw is out of place. I had checked for water damage, had my sons look and took it in to the At&t store before sending it in and was charges the fee. I’ve been a customer since 2007-so Caitlyn in the loyalty department said she would do a refund, all I had to do was go to the store and get proof I had been there, I had a receipt for the new SIM card I had installed when we were trying to initially try to solve the problems with the phone- when I tried to reach back out to Caitlyn, she could not be reached and I was told the loyalty department didn’t give refunds! 

This is not the first time AT&T has done this to me- big corporations have no loyalty and will get you every time. Go Verizon if you can

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