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nanosar's profile

New Member


1 Message

Thursday, February 17th, 2022 10:26 PM

WeBoost AT&T registration link not working.

Hello, the link to register WeBoost with AT&T is not working or loading. Has anyone found or know of a solution because I'm sure I'm not the only one facing this issue. Contacted AT&T for support but was referred to an AT&T store which the person had no clue. Contact WeBoost support and they had mentioned to go to an AT&T store to get it registered. Pfft...even tried multiple browsers and cleared the cache but no luck. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 years ago

Hi, ! We appreciate your hard work! We're to help look into your inquiry about the registration link for your weBoost device.


We haven't received any information about the registration link being broken but customers have reached out inquiring about this. Providing more details about your experience will help with our research.

  • To confirm, is your service provided by AT&T?
  • What error messages are you receiving? This information will help determine what's causing the link to malfunction.           

We look forward to your reply! Thank you for connecting with the AT&T Community!


Jonye, AT&T Community Specialist

New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

I'm in the same boat - there is no error, the page just keeps continuously reloading. I'v tried this on multiple desktop and mobile browsers.

Mobile browsers tried: Safari, Firefox, Brave

Desktop browsers tried: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Brave

Yes, I did try clearing my cache.

Link provided by weBoost (and in multiple other posts on this forum) is https://securec45.securewebsession.com/attsignalbooster.com/


ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

2 years ago

Yup, it's defective.  While the FCC does want you to register your signal booster, just plug it in and use it. Call AT&T and let them know that their cellular booster website is malfunctioning.

It probably doesn't help that they are now calling their new MicroCell a signal booster when it is not a signal booster.

Good luck explaining the difference.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 years ago

We'll be happy to assist you with your WeBoost @maratoid!


Per WeBoost support, for assistance with this particular device, our in store staff will be delighted to assist you.


If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach back out to us.


Thank you for reaching out to our AT&T Community Forums.


Heather, AT&T Community Specialist

New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

First, per latest FCC regulations (https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/signal-boosters/consumer-signal-boosters) AT&T (I quote) “…must provide a free registration system.”

So, I don’t need assistance with my device, if I did, I would contact weBoost. I need assistance with AT&Ts registration system.

There is absolutely no way I’m going to waste my time going to AT&T store with this.

First - because I can pretty much guarantee they will just stare at me like I’m a two-headed chicken - just like they always do, whenever the question is something more complicated than “am i eligible for an upgrade”.

Second - this is really not my problem. I was just being nice and trying to register the booster like I should - but since it’s clearly too much bother to read the message, or fix a simple web form, I’ll just use it un-registered.

I will however drop a note to hotline@fcc.gov with screenshots of this forum thread.



New Member


1 Message

2 years ago

I think this must be an AI response from ATT.  Obviously they are not there to help. This discussion has been popping up in in different threads on this forum for a couple of years.  Quite simply, the registration page is broken but there is no one there to fix it.

I'm not sure what to do about registering a third party cell signal booster.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 years ago

We want to help you with that, @maratoid! Let’s meet in a Direct Message to discuss registering your WeBoost device with us. 


Please check your Direct Message Inbox for a message being sent to you. Look for the chat icon next to the bell icon in the upper right corner of the Forums page.


Looking forward to assisting you!


Lar, AT&T Community Specialist

1 Message

10 months ago

I am having the same issue. How do I register my weboost with ATT? The registration site does not work. 


ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

10 months ago

2 months ago

I am having the same issues.... 8 months later. AT&T does not want to make this easy for anyone. 

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